Chapter 1713

Chapter 1732

His mood gradually became more relaxed, and he was no longer as panicked and nervous as before. Rong Yue was not afraid of him, and Wen'er would certainly not be afraid of him either.

However, he still didn't want Wen'er to know about it, he didn't want her to feel that he and she were different people.

"Can you keep it a secret for me?" He asked Rongyue.

Rong Yue nodded: "Of course, but, can't Wen'er say it?"

"I don't want anyone to know except you," he said.

Rong Yue nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, no one will know except me." She helped him up and said, "Let's go, it's time to go back, and I don't know if Kun'er has woken up. He also suffered to protect Wen'er and me." No minor internal injuries."

Yun Tian held Rong Yue's wrist with his backhand, and asked anxiously: "If Wen'er chooses to be with me in the end, will you agree?"

Rong Yue was stunned, would she agree?she does not know.

In front of Yun Tian's eyes were earnest, and there was a hint of pleading on his proud face.

She nodded: "As long as Wen'er is willing, I will not hinder it."

Yun Tian breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good!"

Rong Yue helped him into the carriage, watched him sit in the carriage, and finally couldn't help but said: "Yuntian, you should also know that Wen'er already has Kun'er in her heart, a person's heart can be big, and he can tolerate The world can also be very small, so small that it can only accommodate one person."

Yun Tian had a bitter smile on his face, "I understand what you said, but I still want to try harder. If I don't try, how do I know I won't succeed? If I don't try, what will I do if I regret it in the future?"

If you don't try, what will you regret in the future?
Rong Yue suddenly laughed.

Yun Tian asked: "What are you laughing at?"

"Looking at you now reminds me of Zhongwen back then. He was just as persistent as you."

It was because of his persistence that she did not miss her lover, and it was because of his persistence that she had such a happy and happy family.

"Can I take your words as encouragement?" Yun Tian asked with a smile.

Rong Yue nodded: "Of course, I was young too, and I can understand your feelings. Although Wen'er's current situation is different from mine at the beginning, I still support you. You are right. If you don't try, you will not know the result." What will happen?"

She said again: "However, you have to promise me that no matter what the result is, you will accept it gladly, don't force it." She has seen too many mistakes because she couldn't let go of her obsession and insisted on it, and she didn't want Yuntian to become something she hated That look.

Yun Tian nodded: "I understand what you mean, I want Wen'er to be happy just like you, if she still doesn't choose me in the end, then I will let her go and let her go to the person who can make her happy .”

Rong Yue nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, you are enough. Yun Tian, ​​although you have not been a human for long, you are more worthy of being a human than those who have lived as a human for decades or even a lifetime."

Being appreciated by Rongyue, Yuntian is also very happy in his heart, and the pain on his body seems to be less painful.

The carriage drove slowly to the city, and she really had too many questions to ask, what she had always wanted to ask before: "Yuntian, why didn't you kill me when I first went to the cold pool to ask for the beard? Save me from your hands?"

Yun Tian's complexion suddenly became gloomy: "Because in your body, there is my mother's Jiaodan."

It was only then that Rong Yue remembered what the old king of Zhou had said back then. After sacrificing countless masters, they managed to hunt and kill a single cold dragon, and thus obtained the dragon pill and dragon pearl. The cold jellyfish is Yuntian's mother.

(End of this chapter)

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