Chapter 1714

Chapter 1733

This is a really sad topic.

But since it is mentioned, how can it be put down calmly?

After a long silence, she knew that there were some things she shouldn't have asked, but those words had already reached her lips.

"Yuntian, you know that humans killed your mother, don't you hate us humans?"

Yun Tian smiled wryly: "Of course I hated it. I was young at the time, and I didn't know what was wrong. I only knew that my father told me that human beings are evil and cruel. They killed my mother. It wants to kill those people."

"My father kept killing people, not only killing people, but also eating people. All the people who entered Funiu Mountain and all the people he wanted to kill, none of them could escape."

"At the beginning, I thought that what my father said was the truth, that human beings are evil and cruel, and they deserved to be killed, but until that day, when I hadn't eaten for many days because of my practice, my father brought back a child and let me eat him. "

"That child is very small, really small, probably only three years old. He has a pair of bright and clear eyes. When he saw me, his eyes were filled with tears of fear. He kept crying, He wants to find his mother, he can't even walk very well, how can such a child be evil and cruel? He is obviously just a child, just a child who doesn't even know how to resist."

"That's when I remembered that those people killed by my father in those years were only bigger than this child. They also had no ability to resist. In front of Han Jiao, they are no different from ants."

"It wasn't until that moment that I realized why human beings, who are obviously much weaker, wanted to hunt and kill their mothers, and why human beings wanted to harm us when we lived far away in the cold lake in the mountains. In fact, it was not human beings who wanted to kill us, but us. Killed too many people, they had to fight back, in order to protect more people from harm, they had to take up arms to resist, for us hunting, for them, just to protect more people People are not harmed."

"When I realized this, it seemed to be too late. Too many human beings have already died at our hands."

"So, how can I hate human beings? What right do I have to hate human beings? Human beings killed my mother and tore up my family, but those human beings killed by our cold dragons, who don't have families?"

Qi Rongyue was very moved: "So, it seems that you not only have a human body, but also a human mind. The law of the world is the law of the jungle. Your Hanjiao clan is indeed powerful, powerful enough to conquer and destroy the world. Both humans and beasts need to survive and coexist, you kill people, and people kill you, this is the law of nature, and no one can blame the other."

Yun Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "You are always so considerate, thank you."

Rong Yue turned her head to look at Yun Tian in the carriage, and also laughed: "I want to thank you too, from now on, there is a secret between us, if you have anything you don't want to tell others, you can tell me, If you need help, just call me."

Yun Tian nodded, nodding heavily, his eyes were slightly hot, he felt the warmth of his relatives, this feeling he never got from his father.

His father only asked him, forced him to do things he didn't want to do, and made him practice all day long, never saying a word to him, even if it was just a word to encourage him or warm him.

(End of this chapter)

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