Chapter 1715

Chapter 1734

Never, not once.

His father asked him if he wanted to go back to the Hanjiao Clan with him, and he said no, so he didn't ask again, and went back by himself, disappearing without a trace, just like that father, who never existed.

In the past year since he entered the world, he has seen many generations in the world, and he has been envious and jealous.

I envy that everyone has their own home, their own parents, wives and children. Although not every family is happy and happy, at least everyone can have a place to go when they are lonely, and a place to rest when they are sad and helpless. where.

Only he didn't, only he didn't.

Now, he told Qi Rongyue about his life experience, and she chose to accept him. At this moment, he finally felt that he had begun to truly become a human being, with human appearance, thoughts, friends, and relatives .

Soon, he will have a home of his own.

Soon, he won't be alone anymore.

The carriage slowly entered the city. At the city gate, Zheng Zhongwen was anxiously asking the city guard about Rong Yue's whereabouts. Seeing Rong Yue driving back, he rushed up: "Yue'er, how is Yue'er? Where are you going?" Are you injured?"

He looked for her all night and was afraid all night.

When he returned to the palace, there were corpses all over the place, and the servants looked pale and bewildered. He rushed to Baoyueju with all his might, and saw the broken walls of Baoyueju, blood and rot all over the ground. Meat and bones, everything, just like the situation at the Half Moon Lake that day.

He only found Wen'er and the unconscious Wan Kun in the room, but Yue'er and Yuntian were nowhere to be found.

After asking, I found out that Yue'er took Yun Tian out alone, and he didn't know where he went, so he just searched aimlessly all night.

Only after finding the gate of the city did he realize that Yue'er had taken Yun Tian out of the city last night. The sky and the earth outside the city were huge, and when he was at a loss, Yue'er came back again.

Rong Yue's face was slightly tired, and he patted the back of his hand with his backhand: "I'm fine, Yun Tian was seriously injured, in order to save his life, I took him out of the city to find life-saving herbs, and he's healed now, It's all over."

Zhongwen breathed a sigh of relief, opened the curtain of the car and looked in, saw Yun Tian sitting in the carriage soberly, said with a smile: "It seems that you are lucky, you met my wife, a genius doctor, who can cure you even after death."

Yun Tian also smiled: "Indeed, I am very lucky."

The three returned to the residence together, but Wan Kun was still in a coma.

After sending Yuntian back to his room to lie down, Zhongwen went to Wan Kun's room, and seeing that Wan Kun was still awake, he asked Wen'er, "How is Kun'er?"

Wen'er's expression was quite relaxed: "He suffered internal injuries, but he's fine, he just needs to rest well."

Seeing his father nodding, Wen'er asked back: "Father, the five brothers of the Mo family are all dead, has Mo Xiaode been found?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "It has been found, but after he learned that all four sons were dead, he couldn't bear the blow and committed suicide."

"Suicide? Not self-destruct, but suicide?" Her eyes widened.

"Well, suicide is not self-explosion. Mo Xiaode has lost all his martial arts skills. Even if he uses the blood-burning kung fu, it will not have much lethality. At most, it will cause harm to us when the body explodes at the end, but he has to be able to Until that time, as long as I kill him before then, he will have no chance of violence, so he simply hanged himself in the prison with a belt, leaving a whole body."

(End of this chapter)

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