Chapter 1716

Chapter 1735

The turmoil of the Spirit Blood Clan has passed, and everything in the capital remains the same as before, as if nothing had happened, just as lively and full of laughter.

Only the people who were hurt by this incident quietly hid in a corner, crying sadly and sighing helplessly.

This is life, it is full of helplessness and sadness all the time, but it will always be outdated, time is the most ruthless, everything can be left behind, even if there are some traces left temporarily, but one day, these traces will disappear no trace.

After Wan Kun recovered, he quickly devoted himself to his heavy career. The status of the richest man in the Wan family did not come from rest. There were countless important matters waiting for him to make decisions every day.

Yun Tian still lives in the palace, and has already asked people to inquire about the mansion in Kyoto. He has money, he has a lot of money, so it is no problem to buy a house. No matter what the future holds, having a home of his own is always necessary.

"Wen'er, my clothes are old, can you accompany me to buy two?" He walked out of the garden "coincidentally", and "coincidentally" stopped in front of Nianwen who was about to go out.

Today, Nianwen is wearing men's clothing, and he is very handsome, much better looking than a real man like him.

Reading the text with a dry smile, "Okay, let's go together." In the past few days, Yuntian has always found various reasons to intercept her, sometimes asking her to accompany her to buy a shop, and later buying a house. Er also took him to buy a fan, today she got up early on purpose, intending to sneak out to find Wan Kun, but he stopped her again.

The two of them left the palace without riding a horse, just strolling along the street, seeing the bustle of people coming and going on the street, the corners of Yun Tian's lips slightly raised: "Wen'er, do you still remember the first time we met?" matter?"

Wen'er nodded: "Of course I remember. At that time, you didn't pay for the noodles, and the boss made a lot of ridicule. I paid you with a pair of earrings." At that time, she hadn't recovered, she was still a child, Everything she sees is so simple. If someone needs help, she will help. If it were her now, if she met someone who ate a king's meal on the road, would she lend a helping hand?Not necessarily, after all, in her eyes now, not everyone who eats the overlord's meal is worthy of help.

Yun Tian happened to see someone selling jewelry on the side of the road. Although it was not expensive, it was exquisite and cute, so he pulled Wen'er to look at it: "I'll buy a pair of earrings for you, okay?"

She wanted to say no, but seeing his excited appearance, she couldn't say no, so she had to let him.

Yun Tian carefully looked at the earrings placed on the velvet cloth. He looked at each pair carefully, and finally his eyes fell on a pair of beaded earrings. The beaded strings were only half a finger long, but there were at least ten pearls on them. Each pearl is only the size of a mung bean, but each one has a round top. Looking at it in the sun, it also exudes colorful lights, which is very unique and lovely.

Ordinary people don't know much about pearls, and think that only large pearls are good. In fact, there are some rare shellfish, the pearls in their shells can never grow up, the largest is only the size of mung bean, but each one is It is extremely precious, wearing it on the body has the effect of beautifying and nourishing the skin, but this effect is not known to humans, it is clearly a pearl, but it is regarded as a fish eye.

It is lucky to be made into earrings. When some people see such small pearls, they throw them into the mud directly, and they don't want to take a second look.

(End of this chapter)

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