Chapter 1717

Chapter 1736

Yuntian has lived under water all year round, so he naturally knows these pearls very well and can recognize them at a glance.

After paying, he handed the earrings to Lianwen: "Do you like this kind?"

Nianwen never cared about jewelry, he never knew what jewelry he had.

She took the earrings and said with a smile, "I like them, they look pretty."

"Put it on if it looks good." She didn't have anything on her ears today, so she could try them on.

Nianwen stuffed the earrings into the purse at his waist, "I'm wearing men's clothes today, it's not convenient to wear earrings, I'll wear them another day, another day."

Yun Tian looked at the men's clothing on her, and said with a smile: "Yes, but you also look good in men's clothing, with a heroic demeanor."

Feeling a little embarrassed by his staring and boasting, he hurriedly dragged him to the Tianyi Pavilion: "Let's go, don't you want to buy clothes? I'll take you to the best clothes shop in Kyoto."

Letting Yun Tian let her lead him through the bustling crowds, his mood was blissful. If time could stop here, and he and she could always walk hand in hand in the world, how great would it be?
However, sweet dreams are always short-lived. After crossing the most congested section of the road, she simply let go of his wrist and pointed to the four-story staircase ahead: "This is Tianyi Pavilion, the clothes of my mother and I." It's all cut here."

Yun Tian glanced at the exquisitely tailored clothes on her body again, nodded and said, "It's really exquisite and gorgeous."

The two of them had just arrived at the gate of Tianyi Pavilion, and they hadn't entered yet, so they heard someone reprimanded from behind: "Get out of the way, get out of the way soon."

Lianwen stopped and turned around, and saw a girl dressed as a girl standing behind her, yelling at her and Yun Tian, ​​a carriage was parked behind the girl, and a lady was being helped out of the carriage by another girl.

That lady looks very familiar, isn't she Miss Peng who had a banquet at home last time and was messed up by someone again?
"Talking to you, are you deaf? Hurry up and get out of the way, my lady is going in."

Read the text and raise your eyebrows, as the saying goes, there is a master like a slave, and you can know the whole leopard from a glimpse.

She pointed to the vacant seat beside her: "Isn't it enough for me to walk halfway through such a big door, and your lady walks halfway through? If it's not enough, I'll go in first, and your lady will go in later, isn't it okay?"

The girl raised her brows, pointed at Zheng Nianwen with one hand on her waist, "Let my young lady follow you in? Who do you think you are? You have such a big face."

Nianwen looked up at Peng Linlang. Since she got off the car, she has been asking the girl beside her to tidy up her clothes that were slightly messed up by the carriage. She didn't care about the other girl's arrogance, and she was obviously used to it.

Thinking about it, if there is no master to back her up, how could a little girl have the courage to choke twice when she sees someone.

This is Tianyi Pavilion, most of the people who come to Tianyi Pavilion to tailor clothes are high-ranking officials and dignitaries, the little girl has met many people, she knows what officials wear and what expensive clothes are worn, although the clothes worn by Nianwen and Yuntian today are gorgeous, but Not luxurious, it seems that this little girl thinks they are businessmen, no wonder they are so contemptuous.

"Whether I have a big face or not, you can just ask your lady, but what I'm curious about is, is Miss Peng relying on the power of the left minister or the power of the Marquis of Wenchang to make such a big show?"

The young lady was immediately recognized when she saw someone, and she said something so rude, the girl was also stunned, and hurriedly looked at the young lady beside her.

Peng Linlang finally raised her extremely haughty face, and looked at the young man standing on the steps, who was staring at her with a half-smile.

(End of this chapter)

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