Chapter 1718

Chapter 1737

This face, what kind of boy is this, this is clearly the Princess Changle whom she hates to the bone.

Even if she puts on men's clothes, she can recognize her at a glance. If she hadn't visited the chrysanthemum banquet last time, Zhao Suying would not have clashed with Yin Mingzhu, nor would Yin Mingzhu fall into the water, nor would Yin Shizi It was her responsibility to be dissatisfied with her.

Peng Linlang stared at Zheng Nianwen, the hatred in her eyes was very obvious, she couldn't hide it even if she wanted to, but she had to force a smile: "So it's the princess, I'm really rude." She said, saluted Zheng Nianwen .

Zheng Nianwen sneered, thinking, I just like to see you hate me, hate me, but treat me helplessly, it's really interesting.

"Miss Peng is polite, but—" She turned to look at the girl next to her, her smile became colder and colder: "The ability of your Peng family to train servants really opened my eyes. In my eyes, the capital city belongs to your Peng family? As long as it is your Peng family, can you walk sideways in Kyoto?"

Peng Linlang's complexion changed slightly. Zheng Nianwen's words were quite serious. On the surface, he accused the girl of being ignorant, saying that her Peng family was incompetent in teaching slaves, but actually said that the Peng family was bullying others. The emperor reprimanded her, so how could she be good?What would her in-laws think of her if it was spread to the Marquis of Wenchang?

After quick thinking, she hurriedly knelt down and said to Zheng Nianwen: "The princess is serious. Today's matter is that Linlang taught slaves without a way, and has nothing to do with the Peng family. Linlang will definitely wake up when she goes back."

Zheng Nianwen hummed softly, ignored her, turned around and entered Tianyi Pavilion with Yuntian.

Ms. Peng knelt for a while, but she didn't hear the cry. She was also puzzled, and she secretly looked up to see that there were no people at the door, only a few assistants and embroiderers stood inside and looked out, with a mocking look on their faces. .

Her eyes were red with anger, and she said to the servant girl beside her, "What are you still doing? Help me up quickly." Yes, her leg hurts badly.

Two maids helped her up, one on the left and the other on the right. She stood up, glanced sideways at the girl who caused trouble, and slapped the girl with a raised hand, which made the girl burst into tears. She is a little girl, how could she know that the boy just now Even the princess, she is also very wronged.

"For useless things, you just know how to cry and cry, and you don't even have this kind of vision. What use are you? You idiot!"

The girl on the other side couldn't bear it, and hurriedly changed the topic: "Miss, shall we go in?"

"Why do you go in? Go in and wait to be humiliated again?" She almost gritted her silver teeth in hatred, what a princess of Changle, you humiliate me again and again, you think you are Changle Is there nothing I can do about you, princess?Just wait and see, I, Peng Linlang, am not one to suffer from being dumb.

"Go home!"

The maid hurriedly helped her into the car, but the girl who was punished was refused to ride in the car, and she was ordered to follow the car and run all the way back to Peng's mansion.

The VIP room on the second floor is just facing the street. Yun Tian saw Miss Peng leaving with a face of resentment, and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that Miss Peng will not easily expose this matter."

Nianwen shrugged: "Whatever, I, Zheng Nianwen, are still afraid of her?" She never liked to associate with these rich ladies in the capital city, because she didn't like to put herself in a place of right and wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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