Chapter 1719

Chapter 1738

But this does not mean that she is afraid of putting herself in a place of right and wrong.

I don't like it, it's not that I'm afraid.

If Feibiao wanted to find her, she would not avoid it, and she would do whatever she wanted.

"Princess, who is this son?" Treasurer Qian came in a hurry, seeing that the person accompanying the princess was not his son Wan, but another handsome and extraordinary young master, his heart skipped a beat.

Wen'er laughed and said: "He is Mr. Yun, Wan Kun and I are friends, bring him a few clothes samples that suit him, we need them in all seasons, cut a box for each, the bill is on your son. "

It turned out to be a friend of the princess and the young master. Shopkeeper Qian immediately nodded with a smile: "I'll get it now, you two, wait a moment."

Clothes for the four seasons, each cut into a box, Yuntian didn't know what the concept was, but thought it might be too much, he was not like Wan Kun, every time he saw him, he wore different clothes, this family must have How many clothes?

But after thinking about it, anyway, if he doesn't spend his money, Wan Kun, the richest man's money, doesn't spend it in vain, so he doesn't make a sound. It's better to have more clothes, so as to save the trouble of having to cut them when they are old in the future.

"This Tianyi Pavilion looks good. I'm afraid you spent a lot of money here in a year, right?"

Read the text and shook his head: "I don't know, this is Wanjia's property. They Wanjia didn't do this kind of business in the past. They started to do it after they settled in the capital city. The purpose is not to make money, but just for the convenience of our daily wear. We found someone else to cut clothes for us. Later, more and more embroiderers began to take on other people's work. After doing this, I didn't expect that the business would grow bigger and bigger, and it would become a very profitable industry. .”

"That is to say, Tianyi Pavilion is the special embroidery spinning for your Wangfu and Wanjia?"

Read the text and nodded: "It can be said that when I was young, I wore the clothes of Tianyi Pavilion. No matter who placed the order in Tianyi Pavilion, the embroiderer in Tianyi Pavilion will finish our clothes first, and then give them to you." Guests do."

Yun Tian was stunned, and felt emotional in his heart, how rich he must be to dare to make such a thing.

There are so many dignitaries and dignitaries in the capital city, but it's so rich and powerful like the Wan family, I'm afraid they won't be able to find a second family.

Coincidentally, the two had just finished picking out the clothes, and Xiu Niang gave Yunliang a good size, fixed the quantity and date, and when they were about to leave, Yin Mingzhu and Yin Shuwei unexpectedly came.

Seeing that Nianwen was there, Yin Shuwei was very pleasantly surprised. Originally, he wanted to visit her in the palace, but recently the emperor had given him some errands, and he was too busy to touch the ground. They came out together, saying that they would go to Tianyi Pavilion to cut some new clothes, and in half a month Wenchang Hou's mansion would hold a wedding, she must not lose color at the wedding banquet where the guests gathered.

"Who is this?" Yin Shuwei looked suspiciously at Yun Tian beside Nianwen.

"He is Yuntian, a friend of Wan Kun and me." She turned her head to look at Yun Tian, ​​and introduced: "This is Yin Shuwei, also a friend of Wan Kun and me."

The two men looked at each other with polite smiles on their faces, but their eyes were full of inquiry.

Yin Mingzhu said with a smile: "Last time, Mingzhu has not thanked the princess for saving her life."

Nian Wen smiled and said: "Miss Yin is being polite, but it's just a matter of raising a finger. Besides, it's not my style to see death without saving her."

Yin Mingzhu's eyes fell on Yuntian: "Is the princess here to tailor clothes?"

Nianwen didn't like Yin Mingzhu in her heart, but since she was Shuwei's cousin, she naturally had to give some face, otherwise Shuwei's face would not be easy.

(End of this chapter)

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