Chapter 1720

Chapter 1739

She smiled lightly: "I'm cutting clothes for Yun Tian, ​​and I'm done." She turned to Shopkeeper Qian and said, "Give Miss Yin and Mr. Yin a good greeting."

Shopkeeper Qian said yes again and again, with an extremely respectful attitude, and Yin Shizhu was very jealous. This shopkeeper Qian is the top leader in Tianyi Pavilion, and he rarely greets guests in person. She happened to meet her when she came back, so Shopkeeper Qian greeted her by the way. For a moment, he was polite, but not respectful. How could he have the slightest respectful attitude towards Princess Changle now.

The difference between people can be seen in such a simple way.

Yin Mingzhu felt uncomfortable, but she had to keep a smile on her face. Who would let someone be the princess.

One level of official rank crushes people, besides, she is more than one level older than her. In the eyes of other princesses, she is probably not even as good as a fart.

After cousin Shuwei saw her, something was wrong with her. As a woman, especially when facing a man she likes, she is very sensitive to certain emotions. The look in the eyes of cousin Shuwei when he looked at the princess , deep in his joy, he was deliberately forbearing his emotions, but the more he deliberately, the more he leaked, and everything fell into her eyes, making her feel uncomfortable. The princess of Changle in front of him quickly disappeared from his eyes without a trace.

She forced herself to smile a little, and blessed the princess: "Thank you, princess, if you are free, you can come to Wenchang Hou's mansion to play, I will make some small dishes, and then please invite the princess Try it."

Nian Wen smiled and said: "That's good, I don't have any other hobbies, I just like to taste delicious food, and I will definitely go to bother you someday."

Yin Mingzhu really wanted to bite off her own tongue, but she was just being polite, who would have thought that the princess would respond so readily, if inviting her to the mansion, wouldn't it be the same as inviting a wolf into the house?Didn't it happen to give cousin Shuwei a chance?
But the words that are spoken are like water that is poured out, how can it be taken back.

"That would be great, Mingzhu is waiting for the princess in the mansion."

Zheng Nianwen is not stupid, what Yin Mingzhu said is partly true and partly false, can she not see it?The reason why he answered her so readily was just to tease her. Seeing her resentful little appearance, she was very happy.

"Brother Yin, we won't delay you any longer, so farewell!"

Seeing that she was about to leave, Yin Shuwei hurriedly said: "It's getting late, why don't you let me play host and have a light meal together."

When Yin Mingzhu heard this, she immediately became impatient: "Cousin, didn't you promise to accompany me to choose clothes?"

Shuwei frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "I have something to tell the princess, you can choose the clothes yourself, I didn't understand these things at first."

How could Yin Mingzhu be willing to drag her cousin out, how could she just let him go like this, she rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Cousin, I happen to be hungry too, why don't I go with you."

Yin Shuwei was about to refuse, but Zheng Nianwen said: "That's fine, let's go together, it's lively when there are many people."

After reading the text, Yin Shuwei naturally couldn't say anything more, so he could only nod in response: "Alright, let's go together." Originally, he only wanted to have a meal alone with the text, but now Mingzhu is going, Naturally, Yuntian will also go, hey——

Yun Tian looked at Yin Shuwei, who was smiling unnaturally, and said: "I was still worried just now, what should I take Wen'er to eat at noon, it would be great if you were the host, I don't know much about the delicacies in the capital city, I am following you to open my eyes today."

(End of this chapter)

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