Chapter 1729

Chapter 1748

The servant girl said: "Miss, we can't mess around. When Sister Ling and I went to do this, we wore veiled hats. No one saw our faces."

Hearing this, Peng Linlang felt relieved, and asked again: "What kind of money did you give? Could it be a bank note?" If it was a bank note, it would be easy to find them. Her bank note had the seal of the Peng family on it. , you can tell at a glance.

The maid hurriedly shook her head: "Of course not. We used ordinary gold leaves, a whole bag. The gold leaves were exchanged by us at a commercial bank in advance. Without our Peng's mark, they would definitely not be able to find us."

"That's good, that's good." Peng Linlang only wanted to have fun for a while, and never thought about the consequences. Just after hearing what her father said, she realized that she had caused a catastrophe. In this world, there are some people she can provoke at will. Stepping on, but she can't provoke some people, she doesn't have the qualifications.

I don't know if it's too late to understand now.

What should she do if she is found?
She didn't know, she had never thought about it, and now she couldn't figure it out. She was very scared, but she didn't know who to ask for help.

"Mother, why did you ask me to talk about that during the dinner?" Peng Linlan snuggled up to her mother, looking tired and drowsy.

Aunt Xue stroked her daughter's soft black hair. Her daughter is already 13 years old, and she is going to say goodbye soon, but she is a concubine, not a child who crawled out of the eldest lady's belly. The eldest lady has always hated their mother. Daughter, the master always runs to her, and he refuses to stay in the eldest lady's room once a month. He has hated her for a long time. You can't count on her for Lan'er's marriage. You can't count on her. I'm looking for a good family.

So she has been looking for opportunities. This kind of opportunity is not easy to get, but it is not completely hopeless. No, the opportunity will come automatically.

The girl next to the second miss and the girl in her own yard are usually close, and they can often hear some secret private affairs, including the rumor that the princess is promiscuous.

She had waited for so long, and Second Miss often made mistakes, but those mistakes were not enough to knock her down, so she kept waiting, and finally she was allowed to wait.

This time, the second young lady is considered settled, and it is unknown whether she can successfully marry into the Marquis of Wenchang's mansion.

As long as the second young lady falls, the eldest lady will definitely be hurt, and if she blows the pillow wind again, then Laner's marriage will never be handed over to the eldest lady, and Laner will have a chance to find a good husband.

Naturally, she couldn't tell Lan'er these words, she would rot in her stomach for the rest of her life.


eighth day
On the eighth day of every month, most of the daughters and wives in the city would go to the Qingliang Temple outside the city to worship the Buddha.

Peng Linlang was no exception, her wedding day was ten days away, and this was her last chance to go to the Buddha with her mother at her natal home.

On the road leading to Qingliang Temple, there was almost an endless stream of pedestrians in carriages, and everyone went in the same direction. On the eighth day of every month, as long as the weather was good, this was the case.

The Peng family's carriage stopped halfway, and the driver said that there was something wrong with the wheels and needed to be stopped for repairs.

In order not to block the way of the people behind, the coachman pulled the carriage to the other side of the hillside.

Mrs. Peng was very upset. Her maid got out of the car and shouted at the driver: "What's the matter? Didn't you check before going out? It's delayed, who of you can take care of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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