Chapter 1730

Chapter 1749

The driver bowed his head and responded without a word of refutation, and the maid had no sense in scolding, so he could only go back.

Mrs. Peng said: "How many carriages did we come today?"

The maid said: "There are only two cars, the one the young lady is sitting in has already gone up the mountain."

Mrs. Peng frowned: "Why didn't you call her? How can she go alone?"

The maid said: "The servant called, but the coachman didn't seem to hear it, so he left with a whimper."

Mrs. Peng was anxious, and hurriedly told the maid: "Hurry up and ask him to fix it right away. Be sure to hurry up."

The maid got out again and stared at the coachman repairing the wheels, but she couldn't see why, and she cursed a few words when she got impatient, but the coachman seemed not to hear, just doing his business.

Qingliang Temple

Peng Linlang got out of the carriage and didn't see her mother's carriage, but asked the maid beside her, "Where's mother?"

The servant girl hurriedly replied: "My servant just asked the coachman and said that Madam's carriage is broken and is being repaired at the back. Let us go up the mountain first, so as not to delay the time."

Peng Linlang didn't doubt that he was there, she nodded, and then led the two servant girls up the mountain.

She hasn't heard any trouble these days, and her original worries have gradually faded away. Xu, as Ling'er said, they couldn't find her here at all. After all, the clues in the middle are broken. No matter how powerful they are, It's also hard to find her online.

Peng Linlang often came to pay respects to the Buddha with her mother, and she knew the rules of Qingliang Temple, and most of the people who came here today were female relatives, so she didn't even need to avoid suspicion, she was more at ease.

After the three masters and servants entered the gate of the temple, they followed the flow of people straight to the direction of the main hall. Before they reached the gate of the main hall, they heard a loud commotion in front of them.

Immediately there were screams everywhere, and she was also startled, but she was also very curious, so she stood on tiptoe and looked forward.

The girls and wives in front were not only screaming, they were already running away in all directions. She was about to follow them to the side to avoid it, when she suddenly saw a huge brown-haired villain rushing towards her.

When had she seen such a ferocious dog, just like the wolf in the portrait, it made her calf tremble with fright, and she couldn't even run, and the servant girl was also so frightened that she quickly pulled the young lady and ran away.

But no matter how fast they ran, they only had two legs, but the vicious dog had four legs, and in the blink of an eye, it ran behind her, threw her down with a cry, and then she felt a burst of pain coming from her calf. The pain was excruciating, as if something bit her leg, not only bit it, but also bit it, and it hurt her a lot.

Peng Linlang was lying on the ground, unable to get up, crying loudly for help.

There are many people not far away, all of them are women and ladies. Whoever saw this vicious dog was not frightened and trembled, no matter how much they tried to save her, they dared not take a step forward.

At this moment, a young man in white brocade clothes suddenly appeared, and he punched the vicious dog in the abdomen, forcing it to open its mouth to bite Peng Linlang's dog's mouth, and then kicked the vicious dog, Kicking it far away, the vicious dog ate the pain, barked twice and ran away with its tail between its legs.

The young man in white walked up to Peng Linlang, and said to Peng Linlang, who was crying with all his make-up and hair loose like a crazy woman, "Miss, are you alright?"

Peng Linlang raised her head and looked at a handsome face as gentle as jade. The gentle and faint smile on the handsome face hit her heart hard like a sledgehammer.

He was like the god who came from the nine heavens and rescued her from suffering.

(End of this chapter)

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