Chapter 1733

Chapter 1753

Back at Peng's mansion, Mrs. Peng locked Peng Linlang in the room and drove everyone out.

"Kneel down."

Peng Linlang was reluctant: "Mom, my legs are hurt, why do you still make me kneel?"

"Quickly kneel down!" Mrs. Peng felt her temples twitching, her brain hurting badly.

Peng Linlang had never seen her mother get so angry before, and she felt a little apprehensive, and hurriedly endured the pain and knelt down: "Mother, I was really bitten by a vicious dog, and that young master just helped me .”

"Help you by the way? In broad daylight, in a large crowd, with so many eyes staring at you, you actually made such an intimate move with a strange man, how decent, how decent? Have you forgotten? I have a marriage contract If you are still alive, in ten days you will marry into Marquis Wenchang's mansion, have you thought about the consequences of doing such an outrageous thing?"

Peng Linlang's eyes turned red immediately: "Mom, why did I do something that is immoral? I injured my leg, and he is a doctor. He just bandaged it for me. How could I be immoral?"

"It's just bandaging you up? Do you think I really don't know? Ling'er has already said that he not only held your hand, but also hugged you, hugged you, and even touched your leg. It’s not offensive enough? How can it be considered offensive? Do you know that Mrs. Yin also went to Qingliang Temple today, and she has seen all the scandalous things you have done, do you think she will pretend not to have seen them?”

Peng Linlang still had a look of indifference: "So what? The big deal is to call off the engagement. Who really cares about marrying her son!"

After hearing her daughter's words, Mrs. Peng almost fainted. Is this still her well-behaved and sensible daughter?
She stepped forward and slapped Peng Linlang fiercely, causing Peng Linlang to fall to the ground on her side, her cheeks swelled immediately, and the pain made her cry, "Mom, why did you hit me? You hit me."

Mrs. Peng shook her hands angrily: "It's not easy to hit you. Is it something you, a daughter, can say casually? If you divorce, your life will be over. What is going on in your mind? "

Peng Linlang cried: "If you retire, you will retire. Why is it over for the rest of your life? Could it be that apart from his Yin family, I, Peng Linlang, won't be able to find a lover anymore?"

Mrs. Peng wanted to slap her hard again: "Haven't you come to your senses yet? Don't you know what kind of family we are? Your father is the left chancellor, a first-rank official. If you are divorced by the Yin family How can he still hold his head up in court? Wouldn't he be ridiculed for the rest of his life?"

"Besides, if you are divorced by the Yin family, who will want you from the noble son of the capital city? Your reputation will be over, and your whole life will be over."

Peng Linlang was stunned, and her chaotic brain finally began to clear up a little bit, and she seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter, and her face turned pale: "Mother, then me, what should I do? "

Mrs. Peng shook her head, fell into the chair behind her, her face was pale and haggard, as if she had aged a lot in an instant: "I don't know, I don't know, it's fine if the Yin family doesn't pursue this matter, if they -"

At this time, there was a knock on the door: "Madam, someone from the Yin family is here, and the master wants you to come over."

Mrs. Peng opened her mouth, unable to utter a word, her eyes closed slowly, and two lines of tears fell instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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