Chapter 1734

Chapter 1754

Peng Linlang walked forward on her knees and hugged her mother's leg: "Mother, you have to help me, you must help me, I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it, I didn't know what happened at the time, I fell in love with you." Like a demon, I really didn't intend to do this."

Mrs. Peng shook her head: "What's the use of saying this now? You said you didn't mean it, and someone needs to wish to believe you. What's the use of Guangniang believing you?"

Peng Linlang sat down on the ground, desperately looking at her mother's receding back, the fear in her heart became more and more intense, and an unprecedented sense of fear enveloped her, she shook her head: "No, definitely not, my father It's Zuo Xiang, my father is Zuo Xiang, they will definitely not divorce, definitely not."

The two maids knelt outside in despair, unable to move any longer, as if they had seen the god of death walking towards them step by step.

Mr. Peng looked at the Geng Tie in his hand, with a gloomy expression on his face.

This geng post belonged to my daughter Lin Lang, and it was given to the matchmaker before the engagement, and then the matchmaker delivered it to Yin's family.

At this time, the Yin family sent someone to send Geng Tie back, which meant to dissolve the engagement.

There are still ten days before they get married, and their Yin family suddenly wants to break off the engagement?

"What's the meaning of this?" Mr. Peng, the person who came forward to deliver Geng Tie was a young man who didn't know him, and he claimed to be a servant of Yin's family.

The young man said: "Back to Mr. Peng, my Lord Marquis said that the marriage is over. Please ask Mrs. Peng and Ms. Peng about the reason. It's too inconvenient for the young ones to say more, so I leave."

The servants of the Yin family left quickly, and Mrs. Peng came in behind.

Lord Peng's cold eyes fell on Mrs. Peng's face, and raised the Geng post in his hand and asked angrily: "What is this? Why did the Yin family suddenly want to divorce? What happened?"

Mrs. Peng looked desperately at the Geng Tie in her husband's hand, her eyes full of bitterness: "It's really here, it's here!"

Mr. Peng said angrily, "What are you mumbling about? Did you hear me when I asked you?"

Mrs. Peng knelt down on the ground with a plop, lowered her head and said, "It's me who can't teach my daughter well, which made the master lose face. If the master wants to punish me, punish me."

Master Peng's heart skipped a beat when he saw this, Madam has never kneeled in front of him in her entire life, and today's kneeling seems to be a big deal.

"Don't play this game with me, hurry up and tell me what happened." Mr. Peng was in a panic.

Mrs. Peng knew that she couldn't hide this matter if she wanted to. Tomorrow, it would be spread all over the city. She could hide it in the mansion, but she couldn't let people outside the mansion also hide it.

She told what happened. Although she didn't explain it in detail and protected her daughter a lot, these were enough to make Master Peng furious.

Mr. Peng stared at Mrs. Peng with a livid face: "You really are the goddaughter, the daughter of the dignified Zuoxiang family, who did such an outrageous thing outside, and let her husband's family break off the engagement, you let me in the future In the court, what face do you have to face your colleagues?"

Mrs. Peng's face was dead silent: "I am guilty, if the master wants to punish, then I will punish, I admit it."

Mr. Peng snorted coldly: "What's the use of punishing you? The most urgent thing is to make amends as soon as possible. Is it true that you plan to let the Yin family withdraw this marriage?"

Mrs. Peng raised her face and looked at her husband's eyes with hope: "Well, what else can we do? What else can we do now?"

"You have been the mistress in this back house for so many years, can't you understand this? The Yin family's resignation is just a moment of anger."

(End of this chapter)

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