Chapter 1735

Chapter 1755

"As long as we come to the door, take this dead girl to plead guilty, and say something nice, this marriage may not necessarily go wrong."

Mrs. Peng had some hesitation on her face: "But, this matter is already like this, and if Lin Lang is to marry him, wouldn't it be—"

"Isn't it something?" Mr. Peng said angrily, "No matter what happens in the future, it's all caused by her. Who can blame this?" What he is thinking about now is only his old face, and he must not be blamed because of the Yin family's divorce. Throw it away, and make this relationship no matter what, the bad rumors will dissipate one day.

Mrs. Peng never expected that her husband, who loves her daughter so much on weekdays, would say such a thing now. Could it be that the love he usually loves is all fake?For his face and official career, can he ignore everything?
"Master, the marriage you seek will not be happy. Lin Lang is still young, and she can't bear this kind of suffering. Why don't you let it go? With the status of the master in the capital, it is not difficult to find another marriage for Lin Lang. "As long as the master is still in the position and finds a family with a lower threshold for his daughter, they are concerned about the power of the Peng family, so naturally they dare not treat Linlang badly. Mud is worse.

"Shut up—what are you talking about? Let it go? She has no chance of marrying anyone except the Marquis of Wenchang. If she fails to marry, then go to a nunnery and become a nun. She will never come out to see anyone again."

These words were like a knife piercing Mrs. Peng's heart, causing her to die of pain.

The conversation between the master and the madam quickly reached Peng Linlang's ears, and then the two maids who served her were taken away, and after leaving, they never came back.

She knew what would happen to them, they were either beaten to death with sticks, or sold out.

Slaves who have committed crimes like them are sold to the house, that is, the brothel will ask for it.

The momentary confusion ruined herself and others as well.

The voice and smile of the young man in white appeared in front of her eyes, it would be fine if he was here, as long as he was willing to take her away, even if it was a hard life, she would be willing.

But where is he?After today, will he still remember her?
She doesn't even know what his name is or where he lives. Even if she wants to find her, how can she find him?
It was a long night, she shed tears until dawn, when she heard the maids walking outside, and saw someone pushing the door in, she hurriedly asked, "Where's Madam?"

It was her nurse who came in, who had served her since she was a child, a nurse like her real mother.

"Miss, the master asked me to call you and said that he would take you to Wenchanghou's mansion."

Peng Linlang immediately shook her head: "I won't go, I won't go, I don't want to be humiliated by them, I'd rather not marry."

The nurse sat beside her and patted her on the back lightly: "My silly lady, this is your last chance. If you don't go, this marriage will be ruined. With the master's ruthlessness , will definitely send you to be a nun, then your whole life will be really ruined."

Peng Linlang shook her head: "No, it won't, my father won't, he loves me the most, and he always clings to me. He will definitely not send me to be a nun, definitely not."

"Miss, don't you understand yet? When the master is happy, you are his most beloved daughter. The premise is that your existence will not affect his official career, and even help his official career and status. You are the daughter of the Xiangfu, don't you understand now?"

(End of this chapter)

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