Chapter 1736

Chapter 1756

No matter what the nanny said, Peng Linlang refused to go, until Mrs. Peng stood in front of her in person, her cold eyes pierced her so that she didn't even dare to breathe loudly, let alone say no, so she could only obediently follow he goes.

Fortunately for her, when their family arrived at the gate of Marquis Wenchang's mansion, they failed to enter smoothly, and Marquis Wenchang didn't see any guests.

So the family returned to Peng's mansion in despair.

"Still kneeling?" In the ancestral hall, Mr. Peng held the family law in his hand, staring at Peng Linlang coldly.

Peng Linlang knelt down trembling. The straight whip made of rattan had beaten to death many people, including one of her concubine brother and one concubine sister. The crime was committed on the girl who was only eight years old. That girl knelt here, where she knelt now, and was beaten twenty times by her father, leaving her body covered in bruises. Did not save back.

Is it her turn today?

Mrs. Peng knelt down in front of her husband and grabbed his hand: "Sir, if you want to punish me, you can punish me. It's me who can't teach women well. It's me. It's all my fault. Hit me and let Lin Lang go." , she's still young, she doesn't understand anything, what happened today was an accident, no——it's not an accident, someone is trying to harm us, it must be like this."

Master Peng's complexion changed slightly, and he frowned and looked at the madam who was crying so disfigured, his heart was full of disgust: "What are you talking about? Why is someone trying to harm us? Make it clear."

Mrs. Peng said: "Today, when Lin Lang and I went to Qingliang Temple, we used two carriages as usual. The carriage I was in suddenly had a problem on the way, and the driver came down to repair the carriage. This kind of thing happened, at most it was just a delay, the two carriages in the mansion would stop and wait together, if it really couldn't be repaired, they would squeeze a carriage up the mountain, this kind of thing is not uncommon."

"What's strange is that the carriage seems to be fine today, but the coachman still refuses to leave. Lin Lang's carriage didn't stop to wait for me, and went straight up the mountain, and couldn't even bark."

Mr. Peng asked: "You mean, someone deliberately separated you mother and daughter?"

Mrs. Peng nodded: "At first I didn't think much about it, I just thought that the driver in Lin Lang's car didn't hear the call, but when something like this happened later, I had to suspect that someone was playing tricks on it. There are so many people in Qingliang Temple. Female guests, that mad dog just bit Linlang alone, and after Linlang was bitten, a young man who claimed to be a doctor came out, and among the female guests present, there was Mrs. Wenchang Hou, how can there be such a coincidence in this world?"

Mr. Peng has been immersed in the officialdom all year round, and he has also done this kind of secret fighting. As soon as Madam expressed his doubts, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

He turned his head and said to his entourage: "Go, find the coachman who drove the carriage for Madam and Miss yesterday."

The entourage left in a hurry, Mrs. Peng seemed to see a glimmer of light, and hurriedly got up from the ground, trying to help her daughter up again.

Master Peng said, "Let her kneel, even if someone is behind the scenes, but she and that man have acted outrageously in public, which is obvious to all, and she cannot escape the responsibility."

At this moment, Mrs. Peng's tone of voice was not as harsh as before. Although Mrs. Peng was still worried about her daughter, she knew that as long as she was framed, at least her life would be saved, and at least her daughter would not become a nun.

(End of this chapter)

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