Chapter 1737

Chapter 1757

After a while, the entourage hurried back: "Master, those two coachmen are gone."

Mr. Peng frowned: "It's gone? What do you mean? Tell me clearly."

The entourage said: "I heard from my servant that the two coachmen went out after sending the wife and young lady back yesterday, and never returned to the mansion."

"What about their family?"

The entourage said: "Master, these two coachmen just entered the mansion. The former coachman was injured three days ago and was recuperating at home. Yes, we agreed to go back as long as the former coachman recovered from his injury, yesterday was their first job, and when they came back, they couldn’t find anyone, and no one knew where their home was.”

Master Peng roared: "Bastard, where is the housekeeper? Call him to me."

The dignified Peng Mansion has always claimed to be strict in running the family, but now that something like this happened, it would make people laugh out loud when it spread.

The housekeeper was fined [-] boards, and he was directly kicked out of Peng's residence.

Mr. Peng was so angry that he ran away in the ancestral hall: "It seems that someone really attacked our Peng family."

Mrs. Peng wiped her tears and said: "Master, you must have offended people in the court, which made people hate you. They didn't dare to do anything to you, so they came to harm my daughter, my poor daughter—"

Mr. Peng glared at her, and said angrily: "Crying, crying, crying all day long, are you not responsible for this matter? You are about to get married, why don't you just stay in the mansion if you have nothing to do? What are you going out for? This is good Is it? It's all over."

Mrs. Peng immediately fell silent, not daring to cry anymore, but the tears continued to fall.

Peng Linlang knelt on the ground dumbfounded, her eyes were blurred, her mind was full of the appearance of the boy in white from yesterday, she thought that he was his true son and her good match.She thought that even if she missed him, it was only because she didn't meet him at the right time.

But now, what are father and mother talking about?It's all a conspiracy?Is someone plotting against her secretly?
That is to say, the young man in white who was so gentle and considerate to her yesterday actually approached her purposefully, in order to tarnish her reputation, in order to make it difficult for her to successfully marry into the Marquis of Wenchang's mansion?

Yes, yes!
Thinking about it now, he obviously could not have made those intimate actions to her in public yesterday.

If he was really an honest gentleman, why would he act so frivolously and ambiguously towards a woman who has not left the cabinet?

It turned out that all of this was really just a conspiracy, and she foolishly thought that she had gotten lucky and that her beauty had fascinated that gentle and jade-like young man.

It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!
Mr. Peng said: "What nonsense are you talking about? Don't you know my usual style? Am I the kind who will offend people casually?" He has a good relationship with everyone in the court, and he can call everyone a brother and brother, and has never offended anyone.

Moreover, the court and China have been peaceful recently, and it is impossible for someone to secretly harm him.

He turned to look at Mrs. Peng: "It's you, who always likes to hold some useless banquets when you have nothing to do. The seven aunts and eight aunts get together and talk endlessly. Whatever should be said or not should be said. You gossips have been told, could it be that you offended someone unintentionally, causing someone to plot against you."

Mrs. Peng quickly waved her hand: "I'm so wronged. I usually like to hold some banquets, and I also like to attend some banquets to join in the fun, but I have always been very measured when I speak, and I have never offended anyone. Nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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