Chapter 1738

Chapter 1758

Mrs. Peng can be regarded as a wife who knows her well, and she is also cautious in her daily actions, not like the kind of brainless gossip who would easily offend others.

His eyes fell on his daughter again: "What about you? You always go out recently, so you won't cause trouble outside, right?"

Peng Linlang shook her head quickly: "No, no, I don't."

Mr. Peng stared at Peng Linlang, who hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look into his eyes.

Mr. Peng snorted coldly: "It's best not to, don't let me know that you dare to cause trouble for me outside."

Master Peng turned around, and said coldly: "Just think about it in the ancestral hall, and you are not allowed to go out without my permission." He threw the family law in his hand on the ground, and strode away with his entourage.

Mrs. Peng breathed a sigh of relief until she could no longer see Mr. Peng, and hurriedly pulled her kneeling daughter up and hugged her tightly: "It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, mother is here."

Peng Linlang's body was trembling constantly, and her mother's clothes were soaked with tears. She had a lot to say, but she didn't dare to.

If father and mother knew about it, and knew that she had spread the rumors about Princess Changle being promiscuous, and this incident is likely to be the revenge of Princess Changle, what would father do?
With his temper, in order not to offend the king, he would definitely not protect her, he would tie her up and throw her into the mansion of the king, and he would dispose of her at will, or maybe he would simply send her to a nunnery to become a nun.

No, she doesn't want to suffer this kind of punishment, she would rather die than suffer this kind of punishment.

After all, Mr. Peng is the left chancellor of the court, and he also has certain influence in the capital. It's not really that he has nothing to do if he wants to investigate something.

Within three days, he found out the origins of the two coachmen.

"What did you say? Wanjia asked them to come? Which Wanjia?"

The entourage said: "Master, the famous Wanjia in the capital city, which one else? Of course it is the richest Wanjia."

"They? Why did they do this? When did our Peng family offend their Wan family? Is there any business?"

The entourage shook his head: "No, the villain didn't find out why. He only said that it was an order from his superiors, and the people working under them just followed the orders."

Mr. Peng said: "There is nothing in the world that is unfounded. The Wan family has never made enemies in the capital. It cannot be unreasonable for him to attack me suddenly. If you investigate again, you must investigate clearly."

That night, Mr. Peng stayed in Aunt Xue's courtyard.

Aunt Xue saw Mr. Peng's sad face, and she leaned softly to his side, "Master, what's bothering you? Ever since you came in, this brow has never been flattened. I feel so distressed when I see it." tight."

Mr. Peng cast a sideways glance at Aunt Xue, seeing her reddened eyes and her pitiful appearance, his heart softened, and he stretched out his arms to wrap her in his arms.

"Isn't it because of Linlang's incident that the Yin's family divorced me? She almost put me in the face. The rumors in the city are so ugly. I've been in court for the past few days, and I can hardly hold my head up. , I don’t even dare to gossip with others, for fear that someone will mention this matter, hey—”

Aunt Xue leaned her face on Mr. Peng's chest, and drew circles on Mr. Peng's chest with her long and slender fingers: "Master, Madam, didn't you say that this was framed by someone? Xu really wasn't the second lady's fault?"

Mr. Peng said: "Even if someone framed her, she is at fault."

(End of this chapter)

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