Chapter 1739

Chapter 1759

Aunt Xue said: "Which one killed a thousand knives, why did he kill our Peng family?"

Mr. Peng shook his head: "It's Wan's family, sir, I'm also very surprised. The business between our Peng's family and the Wan's family seems to be a well-known business. What's more, in the eyes of the Wan's family, this little business of our Peng's family is It's not even a fart, and I can't figure out why he would do it."

The corners of Aunt Xue's lips curled slightly, and she thought to herself that I have waited for so long, and finally this moment has arrived.

She said to Mr. Peng: "My lord, I heard that the head of the Wan family is Mr. Wan Kun, and he has a very unusual relationship with the princess who is shoulder to shoulder with the palace. There are even rumors that they are engaged and will be getting married soon. However, it was only because Mr. Wan Kun was still in his filial piety period that it was not suitable to do red wedding things, so it was delayed."

Mr. Peng hummed: "That's right, there are such rumors. In my opinion, it's not all rumors. Based on the respect that the side-by-side king and emperor have for Wan Kun, it seems that this matter can't be faked. It will happen sooner or later." .”

Aunt Xue said again: "Wan Kun is the princess' fiancé, if he didn't trouble us for himself, could it be for the princess?"

Master Peng raised his brows slightly: "What do you mean by that? Wan Kun troubled our Peng family for the sake of the princess? Our Peng family didn't offend her, did we? Can't make a difference."

Aunt Xue raised her head from his chest, with a look of hesitation on her face.

"You can say whatever you want." Master Peng frowned.

Aunt Xue said: "Master, I suddenly thought of something, I don't know if it has something to do with it."

"Say it!"

Aunt Xue said: "A few days ago, my concubine heard from a girl in the yard that when the second lady went to cut clothes in Tianyi Pavilion, she met the princess outside Tianyi Pavilion. It seemed that some unpleasant things happened at that time, but it was nothing serious. The princess didn't do anything to Miss Er."

Mr. Peng said: "I've met Princess Changle, she doesn't look like a person who will haggle over every detail with ordinary women."

Aunt Xue said again: "Later, within two days, there were rumors of Changle Princess's prodigal flowering in the city. I am stupid, and I don't know if these things are related, but I just thought of it suddenly, so I told the master. It’s not right, master, don’t blame me.”

Lord Peng is not stupid, he knows exactly what Aunt Xue meant by this.

Princess Changle is a big-bellied person, and she doesn't care about anything with ordinary women, but what about his daughter?
Ruo Linlang is a small-minded person, after having an unpleasant encounter with Princess Changle, she held a grudge. . .

He pushed Aunt Xue away and hurriedly left the courtyard.

Aunt Xue stood at the gate of the courtyard, watching Mr. Peng's back gradually drifting away, her beautiful eyes were full of resentment and a smile of revenge.

Three years ago, Aunt Su, her sister-in-law, died tragically. Because her daughter was beaten to death by the master, she lost hope of living and hanged herself from a rope.

And it was Peng Linlang who killed their mother and daughter.

When she watched Aunt Su's mother and daughter's bodies being swept away by a piece of grass, she secretly swore that she would definitely, definitely avenge their mother and daughter.

If it weren't for Aunt Su, neither she nor her daughter would have survived, and I'm afraid they would have died in the hands of the madam long ago.

After waiting for three years, she waited for a full three years, and finally got this opportunity.

As the saying goes, good and evil come to an end, and there will be rewards in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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