Chapter 1740

Chapter 1760

What's more, this time, it was Peng Linlang who killed himself, so he couldn't blame others.

Master Peng went straight to the ancestral hall.

Mrs. Peng was bringing her servants to bring food. Plates of exquisite delicacies were taken out of the food box, but Peng Linlang glanced at them uninterestedly, and had no appetite.

How could she know that this would be the last real meal in her life.

If she knew, she would not waste this delicious meal.

When Mrs. Peng was trying to persuade her to eat more, Master Peng barged in with a dark complexion.

He walked to the table and glanced at the five or six plates of exquisite delicacies on the table, all of which were rare delicacies that ordinary people would never see.

"You still have the guts to eat? Let me ask you, do you have any personal grievances with Princess Changle?"

Peng Linlang shuddered and shook her head subconsciously: "No, no, how could I have a personal grudge with Princess Changle? It's impossible."

Mrs. Peng hurriedly said, "Master, what nonsense are you talking about? No matter how ignorant Linlang is, she would never provoke Princess Changle. She still has some sense of propriety."

Mrs. Peng snorted coldly: "Really? Is she really sensible?" He stared at Peng Linlang coldly. Seeing her guilty face, not even daring to raise her eyes, there was something he didn't understand.

"Say it clearly, if there is half a word of lies, the family law will take care of it."

Peng Linlang thought that her two maids were gone, and no one else knew about it except herself. As long as she gritted her teeth and refused to admit it, no one could do anything to her.

She knelt down on the ground with a plop, and cried to Master Peng: "Father, I really don't have a daughter. Father, you must believe me, and don't believe the slander of those villains outside."

"The villain's slander? Who is the villain? Tell me, who is the villain?"

Peng Linlang shook her head: "I don't know, I don't know. In short, I didn't have any quarrel with the princess, let alone have any personal grievances. I haven't even spoken to her a few times. We don't know each other well. How could there be any personal grievances?"

Mrs. Peng was extremely anxious: "Yes, master, Lin Lang rarely goes out on weekdays, and has never been to the Prince's Palace. You also know, sir, that the princess of the Palace has never been in contact with these noble girls in the capital. How could it be possible for Lin Lang? Have a personal grievance with her?"

Master Peng roared: "I didn't ask you, you shut up for me, it's you, let's see what you have taught her to be? You spoiled her lawlessly, don't you really know what's going on outside?"

Although he is a prime minister on the left and a first-class official, he seems to have a great reputation, but no one in the court and the public knows that Zheng Zhongwen is the only one that the emperor really trusts. The emperor only believes in Zheng Zhongwen, and what Zheng Zhongwen said is equivalent to what the emperor said , his status, can he be compared with a leftist?
Needless to say, Princess Changle was very favored in the past. In the eyes of the emperor, she is no different from his own daughter. In addition, in the case of Shangguan's rebellion last time, Princess Changle used her body to protect her and made great contributions. Her status is even higher. Ordinarily, what would the Peng family use to fight against the side-by-side Wangfu?Isn't this courting death?
"I'll ask you one last time, do you have any personal grievances with Princess Changle? Have you done anything to offend Princess Changle? You'd better think about it before answering. There are some things that I want to check. There is nothing you can't find out, don't try to fool me with words, in this way, your end will be even worse, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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