Chapter 1741

Chapter 1761

Peng Linlang's body trembled like a sieve. Is it really doomed this time?
Her father suddenly came to ask her, obviously he knew something, if she just refused to admit it, could she really escape?

Seeing that she still refused to speak, he stretched out his foot and kicked Peng Linlang, knocking her to the ground, and said angrily, "Are you dumb? Do you think this matter can be settled as long as you don't speak?"

Mrs. Peng threw herself in front of her daughter and used her body to block her: "Master, can't you say something well? Why are you still doing it? Lin Lang is your biological daughter!"

Mr. Peng snorted coldly: "My own daughter? It's not the first time to kill my own daughter. Isn't it strange? You and I know how Xiaoliu died before, don't you? What is your own daughter? Virtue, don't you know?" Among the several daughters, he loves Linlang the most. That's because Linlang has always been smart and has a good appearance. He expects that Linlang will marry high in the future, which will bring good luck to his official career. It can add to the status of the Peng family in Kyoto.

So, when he knew that Lin Lang was framing Xiao Liu, he beat Xiao Liu cruelly in order to make Lin Lang happy. He didn't expect Xiao Liu to be so resistant to be beaten, and died within a few days.

He also regretted it, regretted that he wasted a concubine daughter in vain that day.

Now, Lin Lang, whom he valued, has become a useless chess piece, how can he still maintain the kindness of the past?

Mrs. Peng trembled slightly, what does the master mean by this now?Does he really plan to send Luo Linlang again?

No, you can't.

"Master, Lin Lang is indeed a bit domineering at ordinary times, but she is always a servant of the mansion, and she is very friendly to her brothers and sisters. She is so smart, and she will not quarrel with Princess Changle for some trivial matters. Absolutely not. what!"

Master Peng was furious. At this moment, the woman hadn't figured it out yet, so he simply kicked Mrs. Peng aside, reached out and grabbed the family law on the altar table, and whipped Peng Linlang with a flick of his hand.

The beating made Peng Linlang scream again and again: "Say it?"

Peng Linlang was stubborn at first, but after being whipped a few times, she couldn't resist anymore.

"I said, I said, Dad, please stop beating, please stop beating." Her eyes were swollen from crying, and every time the whip hit her, it was like cutting her with a knife.

"Say!" Master Peng stopped, and looked coldly at Peng Linlang who was lying on the ground in front of him, howling.

Seeing this, Mrs. Peng rushed forward and covered her mouth: "Don't talk, don't talk nonsense, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Master Peng kicked Mrs. Peng away again: "Go away, do you think I will only send her off this time? You can't escape the responsibility."

Seeing her mother suffering with her, Peng Linlang couldn't bear it, and cried, "Father, mother doesn't know about this, if you want to punish me, you can punish me alone, it has nothing to do with mother."

"You don't need to teach me how to punish, tell me quickly, what have you done?" Master Peng asked angrily.

Peng Linlang raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, choked up and said, "I met the princess in front of the Tianyi Pavilion that day, and she humiliated my daughter with words. When my daughter couldn't get angry for a while, she let Ling'er and the others go to the public to spread some dissatisfaction. Good news, I didn't expect things to become such a big mess, if I had known this earlier, how could I not have done such a thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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