Chapter 1750

Chapter 1770

"Wan Kun, it's a pleasure to meet you. To be honest, apart from being a rival in love, I still admire you very much."

"Each each other!"

"Wan Kun, I'm leaving, I'm leaving today, tell Wen'er for me, today's parting is not forever, I will come back, I will."

"Okay, take care!"

When Yuntian left the capital, the only person who sent him off was Wan Kun, his former love rival and today's brother.


"What did you say? Yun Tian left? Where did he go?" Nian Wen stared blankly at Wan Kun, unable to tell what it was like, as if he had lost something, and felt relieved, a little sour, A little bitter.

"He left this, saying it was a gift for our marriage." He took out the brocade box and handed it to Nianwen.

Nianwen held the brocade box tightly, but did not open it, her eyes suddenly turned red, crystal clear tears rolled down, landed on the brocade box wrapped in red velvet, and landed on her fair and slender fingers.

When we first met, he was a big boy who couldn't even speak clearly, and she was a little girl with insufficient IQ.

In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed, and they have all changed.

"He's leaving, why didn't you tell me?" She held the brocade box and leaned against Wan Kun's chest, tears soaking his robe.

He stroked her back lightly, and said in a low voice, "Silly girl, he must have made a lot of determination to make this decision. If he sees you, if you cry like this again, he will be reluctant to leave again." How to do?"

Nianwen raised his head and looked at Wan Kun with tears in his eyes: "What do you say as if you want him to go?"

Wan Kun smiled and said: "I can't wait for him to go. He is gone. He is good to everyone. He said that he will come back again. The separation is for a better reunion. He has figured it out. You haven't thought about it yet." ?"

Friends, lovers, no matter how difficult it is, you have to make choices, and you have to make choices.

After her mood calmed down, Nianwen opened the brocade box, inside was a bead exuding colorful light. The moment the box lid was opened, she felt a strange force slipping from her fingertips into her meridians , is a strange force, strong, thick, cold, very cold.

Seeing that Nianwen's face changed, Wan Kun quickly took the brocade box from her hand and closed the lid.

"How are you?" Wan Kun asked anxiously.

Nian Wen shook his head: "I'm fine, this thing is so strange, it seems that there is a very powerful force inside, as soon as I touch it, it wants to drill into my body, it's very cold, really cold." She shuddered.

Wan Kun said: "Yuntian said that this is a dragon ball, and there is a very strong power in it. He has already absorbed part of it, and the rest is given to us. It seems that this kind of power cannot be absorbed casually. We should be more careful."

Nianwen frowned and looked puzzled: "What did you just say? Yuntian said it was a dragon ball? What is a dragon ball? Is it the same thing as the dragon ball that saved my father's life back then?"

Wan Kun said: "Maybe, I'm not very clear. Yuntian said he got it accidentally in Beihai. You also know that Yuntian has always been very mysterious. He seems to have a lot of secrets. Even I can't find out any of them." So, I can't find out his origin, family background, martial arts, everything about him."

Wanjia's intelligence network, the reading text is very clear, even the information that the emperor wants must be collected by him, which shows the wide coverage of Wanjia's intelligence network.

(End of this chapter)

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