Chapter 1751

Chapter 1771

However, Yuntian is an existence that even Wanjia can't find out.

She asked him many times who he was, where he came from, and what he was going to do, but he never answered her seriously, and every time he was perfunctory or changed the subject, as time passed, she got used to it, and got used to his mystery.

Wan Kun shook the still cold hand of reading: "I will go to see my father tomorrow and tell him about the two of us."

Nian Wen pursed his lips and smiled slightly: "What's the matter between us?"

He held her hand tightly: "On the eighth day of next month, it's time to marry!"

Chu Tianqi learned that Wan Kun and Nianwen had already fixed their marriage date, so he simply issued an order to seal the princess of Changle as Princess Changle, grant the princess mansion, and eat thousands of households.

Wan Kun was given the title of Marquis of Chang'an, and the title will be hereditary.

A Princess of Changle, a Marquis of Chang'an, Changle and Chang'an, all represent the emperor's most beautiful vision for them, and hope that they can live in Changle and Chang'an forever.

The most powerful side-by-side palace of the Chu Dynasty was married to the richest man of the Chu Dynasty, Wanjia. The marriage was the most grand in history, naturally.

It is said that the dowry of Princess Changle was lined up outside the city gate from the gate of Wanjia. In order to store the dowry, Wanjia specially built a huge warehouse to store Princess Changle's dowry.

Chu Tianqi came to the wedding banquet in person and acted as a witness.

During the dinner, he held his sister's hand, his eyes were slightly red: "Back when my sister and brother-in-law got married, I was the witness. Now that Nian Wen and Wan Kun are married, I am the witness again. I really hope that I can do it for you again." Their children witness the marriage."

Rong Yue held his hand instead: "Of course you can, you are still young, not much older than Kun'er and Wen'er, their children will naturally—"

She suddenly cut off the words at the back, and her fingers accidentally felt Tianqi's pulse. As a doctor, even if she accidentally felt a pulse in someone, she would subconsciously diagnose it, but after the diagnosis, it was diagnosed. big problem.

It seems that Tianqi's condition is not very good, no, it's not that it seems, but it is certain that his condition is very bad.

Seeing her suddenly shut up, Tian Qi's complexion changed slightly, his fingers were tightly on his pulse, he immediately realized something, he hastily withdrew his hand, and said with a dry smile: "Sister Huang, why are you still the same as before?" , I always like to feel the pulse when I catch someone, I am the emperor, how can the emperor's pulse be felt casually?" He joked with a smile.

But Rong Yue couldn't laugh, she grabbed Tian Qi's wrist, examined again carefully, examined again carefully, Xiguo didn't change much, it was still the same, still the same!
"When did it happen?" She held his hand trembling slightly, and even her voice trembled slightly when she asked him.

Tian Qi smiled wryly: "I really can't hide anything from you, I'm fine, really, I'm fine now."

"You are fine now, what about the bad times? What are the bad times like?" She is very aware of this disease.

The world called her a miraculous doctor, but as a miraculous doctor, she couldn't do anything about this disease. Tian Qi knew that she couldn't cure this disease, so he kept it from her and kept it from her.

Tian Qi said: "There is no bad time, it is always good, don't think too much about it."

"Tianqi, I'm your older sister, and I'm a doctor. I know you and this disease. Can I believe you when you say you're fine?" Tears couldn't stop falling, and the fear and despair in my heart kept coming. It deepened and aggravated, making her almost out of breath.

This is her only younger brother!It is her only family member left in this world, the only family member.

(End of this chapter)

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