Chapter 1752

Chapter 1772

"Princess, you can't take off the hijab now, you have to wait for Lord Hou to pick it off." Liu Er hurriedly put the hijab back on the princess.

No way to read the text, she has been sitting here like a piece of wood for almost two hours, her waist is about to break, and she has to be covered with a cloth, with a huge golden crown on her head, her neck can hardly straighten up up.

She tore off the red hijab on her head again, took off the golden crown, and then exhaled comfortably: "I'm really fed up, who invented these etiquettes, this is not a marriage, it's clearly a toss. If it weren't for my good health, after such a toss, would I still be able to survive till tomorrow?"

"Bah, bah, princess, today is your big day, why do you still speak the same as usual, don't say such unlucky words again." Liu'er took the golden crown and hijab from the princess, feeling distressed and overwhelmed It's funny, I'm afraid there is only one princess in the world who is as carefree as her master.

Yan'er on the other side hurried to Liu'er, said with a smile: "Sister Liu'er, give this to me, the princess must be hungry, you can bring some food for the princess."

Liu'er nodded, and conveniently put the golden crown and the beautifully embroidered red hijab into Yan'er's hands: "Okay, put them away carefully, you'll have to wear them later."

Yan'er took over the heavy golden crown, which was so beautiful that it seemed unearthly. It is said that this golden crown was made by Master Wan and hired sixteen craftsmen with a lot of money. It was the only crown in the world.

Such a thing, the princess didn't even look at it, let alone put it on her head, what a waste, if she could have such a golden crown when she got married, it would be great.

Liu'er took a dish of the princess's favorite snacks and brought it to the princess. Seeing that Yan'er had gone to set the golden crown and hadn't come back, she hurriedly called: "Yan'er, come and make tea, what are you busy with?"

Yan'er came over in a hurry, and said with a reddish smile, "I saw that the princess's phoenix crown is really beautiful, so I couldn't help but look at it a few more times."

Nianwen took a piece of mung bean cake from the plate Liu Er handed over, took a bite and put it in her mouth, it was sweet but not greasy, soft and waxy, it was her favorite flavor, and she always loved the desserts made by this cook , Mother asked the cook to follow her so that she wouldn't get used to eating in Wanfu.

She raised her eyes and glanced at Yan'er, and said with a soft smile: "If you like it, when you get married in the future, I will give you one."

Yan'er was very happy, and was about to thank her, but she heard Liu'er say: "Princess, you can't make such a joke, what is Yan'er's identity, how can she wear a phoenix crown to get married? This is against the rules, she will be convicted of."

Only then did Nianwen realize that the phoenix crown is not something ordinary people can wear. It is not only useless to give it to her, but it can also cause her troubles. She really did not think carefully.

She said to Yan'er: "It doesn't matter if you can't wear the phoenix crown, I will add a few more boxes of makeup for you then."

Yan'er was very unwilling, and her eyes were full of disappointment. With such a phoenix crown, which woman would not want to wear it to get married?

Why are some people born superior to others?
Why is she, Yan'er, a slave from birth?I've been a servant all my life!

She is not willing to just be a slave for the rest of her life. God gave her such a good appearance and figure, is it for her to be a slave?
No, no, definitely not.

"What's wrong with you? Why don't you go make tea?" Liu'er frowned. Yan'er has been in a daze recently, with a worried look on her face. Could it be that she has started to think wrongly since she first entered Wanfu?
(End of this chapter)

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