Chapter 1754

Chapter 1774

Read the text and said: "A few days ago, I followed Wan Kun to the Wanwu Hall. Most of the shopkeepers in the hall are young people. In a few days, I will ask Wan Kun to ask to see who still lacks a lady in charge. , I will show you two to see each other then."

Liu'er and Yan'er's thoughts are naturally different.

Now that they have come to this Wanfu, Wanfu is different from the Prince's Mansion. Wanfu started out as a merchant, and most of the people who come in and out of this mansion every day are my uncle's capable men, and they are some capable people who control the lifeline of Wanjia's business. Dry.

Among them, there are older ones, and naturally there are also young ones. Among the young shopkeepers, there will always be some unmarried young people, and my uncle is a dignified person, so the assistants he likes will naturally not be so bad. Marrying such a person as a wife is her greatest blessing.

Yan'er only wanted to fly to the branches, and only wanted to live the life of that master.

Today's son-in-law is already the Marquis of Chang'an. She would rather be a concubine for the Marquis than be a wife for those shopkeepers.

Liu'er leaned over to read Wen, pinched her arms and legs, and said with a smile: "Princess, although the decoration of Wanfu is very luxurious, it is a bit small after all. As a princess, you live in such a place. It's really embarrassing."

Nianwen shrugged: "There is nothing to be wronged. I am familiar with every plant and tree here. I like it here. Besides, the Princess Mansion and the Hou Mansion are both under construction. It will take two or three years to complete it. , just live for two or three years."

Yan'er was really envious after hearing this: "Princess, will you live in the Princess's Mansion or the Hou's Mansion in the future?"

Reading the text really didn't think about this question, since Yan'er asked, let's think about it seriously.

"Well—that's how it is. If I'm happy, I'll live in the Hou's Mansion. If I'm not happy, I'll live in the Princess' Mansion."

Liu'er was puzzled, "What's the point?"

Yan'er smiled and said: "My silly sister, don't you understand? What the princess means is that if Master Hou doesn't make the princess angry, the princess will live in the Hou's mansion. Go live alone in the Princess Mansion."

Liu'er's complexion changed slightly, and she frowned and stared at Yan'er: "Don't talk nonsense, how could Master Hou make the princess angry? Stumbling, that's a very normal thing, quarrel at the head of the bed and close at the end of the bed, how can you leave the house and live in another house as soon as you get angry, that's not acceptable."

Yan'er frowned, and stared at Liu'er displeased, thinking that Liu'er didn't know what was going on, and was against her everywhere, blocking her with words, it was really annoying.

After reading Liu'er's words, Lianwen nodded thoughtfully: "Liu'er is right. My mother also said that it's normal for husband and wife to quarrel, just let it go." She I have also seen father and mother quarreling because of some things, the quarrel is so red, the mother ignores the father when she is angry, and the father will coax the mother when he is relieved, this is the real husband and wife.

Xi Po rushed in from the outside, and read the text: "Princess, the son-in-law is here, he seems to be drunk, someone helped him here."

Liu'er hurriedly asked Yan'er to fetch the phoenix crown and hijab, and she quickly took away the snacks, and quickly tidied up the slightly messy wedding dress on the princess.

Even though she had known him for more than ten years, she couldn't be more familiar with him, but at this moment, she still felt extremely nervous, her little heart was beating wildly, and the palms in her sleeves were sweating profusely.

(End of this chapter)

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