Chapter 1755

Chapter 1775

The attendants helped Wan Kun, who was too drunk to walk, into the room, and let him lie down beside the princess.

The people in Xiao Liuchao's room said: "Okay, let's all go out, Lord Hou and Princess are tired, they need to rest earlier."

Xi Po was a little hesitant: "This is a rule—"

Xiao Liu interrupted her: "Rules are made by people, Master Hou is already drunk like this, it's useless even if you stay and guard."

Xi Po was still a bit hesitant, this was the big wedding between the princess and Lord Hou, she had received a bounty of 1000 taels, she couldn't mess things up, so she looked at the two girls beside the princess.

Liu Er asked the princess in a low voice: "Princess? You see?"

Nianwen wished that they would disappear immediately, those cumbersome gauges were the most annoying, and she was worried that there would be no chance to avoid them, how could she let go of such an opportunity.

"Just listen to Xiao Liu, you all back down."

Xi Po got the princess's order, so naturally she couldn't say anything more, she immediately led the two accompanying Xi Niang out, Xiao Liu said to Liu'er and Yan'er, "What are you still doing in a daze? Let's go together."

On the wedding night in the bridal chamber, his young master has been waiting for this day for too long, so he can't be disturbed by these ignorant girls.

Liu'er and Yan'er naturally ignored Xiao Liu, but waited for the princess' order.

Read the text and said: "You guys also retreat."

"Yes!" Liu'er bowed her knees and blessed her body, her eyes were full of worry, Master Hou has committed such a crime, can the princess serve her well?She has never served anyone.

The door closed, and the footsteps gradually faded away.

Nianwen heaved a sigh of relief, finally she was gone, she stretched out her hand to pull the red hijab covering her head, but the other hand clasped her wrist before her.

"Don't move, I'm coming!"

He sat up slowly, his voice was hoarse and steady, not even half drunk.

"Aren't you drunk?" She couldn't see his face, but could only smell the alcohol on his body and the burning temperature when he held her wrist.

He got up with a smile, went to the table and picked up the pure gold scale wrapped in red silk, and slowly returned to her, "How could I get drunk on such an important day."

"Uncle is here today, and all the civil and military officials are probably here, how can they let you go? When did you practice this ability to stay drunk after a thousand cups?"

Holding the scale in his hand, he lifted the red hijab lightly, and looked at the familiar face that moved his heart, his smile became brighter and brighter: "Of course they will not let me go, except for the wine for the emperor and our parents. The rest is just water."

She chuckled: "You can play such a petty mind."

He took her hand, and pulled her to sit down at the table full of xiguo: "If I don't play tricks, how can I enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime bridal chamber wedding night?"

Her face was glowing red, and even the backs of her ears were completely red, "Who knows if this is the only wedding night in your life?"

He poured wine from the pot, and brought a glass to her, "It's easier to say than to do, the future will be long, just wait and see." As long as he can remember, he has never held other women in his eyes.

It was in the past, it is in the present, and it will be in the future.

"Drink this cup of wine, and we will never be separated." He took her hand.

"Well, we will never be separated." She smiled sweetly, her heart was full, and together with him, she raised her head to welcome the drink in the glass.

Ten years of deep-seated love has finally blossomed today.

(End of this chapter)

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