Chapter 1756

Chapter 1777

Wan Kun got up and went into the bathroom in the side room. The servants had already entered from the other side of the side room, filled the tub with hot water, and placed his usual clothes, shoes and socks beside him.

The reading went into the other ear, and Liu'er and Yan'er took care of the bath.

There are fragrant flower petals floating in the barrel, and after steaming with hot water, the fragrance becomes more and more overflowing.

Seeing the marks on the princess, Liu'er covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Princess, my uncle treats you very well."

Nianwen looked up at her: "How do you say that?" She asked.

Liu Erxiu blushed slightly, and said in a low voice: "I have heard from older sisters before that most newly married men will leave bruises and bruises on women's bodies, and only care about their own comfort. Cheng Huan will be in pain, although the princess has marks on her body, it can be seen that my uncle has already restrained himself very much."

Nian Wen blushed and smiled lowly: "You girl, I really didn't realize that you know so much."

Liu Er also blushed: "Princess, I just heard it, so don't make fun of me."

Yan'er watched and listened from the side, yearning for Lord Hou more and more in her heart. Such a husband, with the richest moon in the world, a handsome and tall appearance, a noble status, and such affection, is simply amazing. The perfect husband in every woman's dream.

After washing up, the two of them had breakfast together. They didn't eat much, and they seemed to have a poor appetite.

"What's wrong with you? Just eat this little?" Wan Kun put down the chopsticks in his hand and reached out to hold the hand of the text: "You see you are so thin, you can eat more, otherwise how can you give me a big fat boy?"

Nianwen gave him a shy look: "Early in the morning, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm not afraid of gaining weight, but I suddenly want to eat vegetarian fried food."

It turned out to be this, and he immediately got up: "You wait, I'll buy it for you."

She hurriedly pulled him back: "Don't go, I just want to eat suddenly, and I don't necessarily have to eat it. When is this? I might not be able to buy it if I go. Forget it."

Xiao Liu said with a smile: "Master Hou, you can rest, the little one can just go and buy."

Wan Kun shook his head: "I'll go by myself. In the past, Wen'er ate all the vegetarian fried rice. I bought it myself. It's naturally the same now, and it won't change in the future. I'll buy you vegetarian fried rice for a lifetime."

When Yan'er heard this, her heart was moved, but she was very puzzled: "Master Hou, since the princess likes to eat vegetarian fried rice from this restaurant, why don't you invite the cook to our mansion and let him cook it for the princess in the mansion? , the princess wants to eat, and she can eat it anytime, wouldn't it be better?"

Wan Kun didn't look at Yan'er, took the hand that read the text and said: "I used to wonder why our father always likes to go to that store to buy raw vegetarian fried food for you and mother, why don't you just invite that person to eat?" Go to the palace and make it for our mother."

"It was only later that I realized that my father and mother did not want this kind of delicacy to be exclusive to the palace, and that delicious food should be shared with everyone. Moreover, my father enjoyed the process of buying food for his beloved woman and daughter, and so did I."

Read Wen smiled and asked: "So, you are going to learn how to coax your wife from my father?"

Wan Kun put on his outer robe and looked at the strong sunlight outside: "I don't need to learn, it's good for you, it's natural."

Her heart seemed to be smeared with honey: "I really didn't expect that the taciturn young master of the Wan family in the past turned out to be a glib person. Early in the morning, he seemed to be smeared with honey. Who is he trying to sweeten to death?" .

(End of this chapter)

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