Chapter 1757

Chapter 1778

"This is so sweet? Wouldn't the future be soaked in a honeypot?" He pinched her pretty nose: "Wait, I'll be back soon."

Wan Kun turned and left, and the breakfast on the table was removed by the maid.

She yawned, she was still very tired, and was thinking about whether to go back to sleep again.

Yan'er walked in quickly: "Princess, Miss Gu, please see me."

Reading Wen raised his eyebrows: "Miss Gu? Which Miss Gu?"

Liu'er took over the conversation: "It's the lady in charge of the house, Gu Xian. This servant saw her yesterday, and she is not a good person. Later, the servant asked someone to inquire, and said that she is the little granddaughter of the shopkeeper, who was the daughter of the Wan family who suffered a disaster earlier. At that time, the mother in charge of the courtyard was overly frightened and died of illness. The courtyard couldn't find a suitable person for a while, so the shopkeeper Gu asked his little granddaughter to come over for a while. Shopkeeper Gu sent someone to pick her up last month, saying that after the princess married in, she would naturally bring the head of the family with her, and she would not be needed anymore. Besides, she is a big girl with yellow flowers, and she is not a slave in this mansion, that's all. It's not a problem here, and she has reached the age of marriage. In the past two years, shopkeeper Gu has worried a lot about her affairs, but she is unwilling to live or die, and she refuses to leave, so she directly sends shopkeeper Gu here. The people were blasted back."

Speaking of Gu Xian, after reading the text, she immediately had an impression. When she and Yun Tian returned to the capital, they came to Wan Mansion first, and they met her at that time. At that time, they didn't have a deep impression. When they saw her again, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival a few months later. Day, in Wan Kun's room, on Wan Kun's bed.

She actually forgot about this person, forgot about this matter.

Thinking about it now, it's really funny that she would forget about this person.

It's nothing more than a girl who wants to climb a branch. It's not the first time she has seen this kind of thing. Over the years in Wang's Mansion, and even in Wan's Mansion, this kind of woman who has an indiscriminate desire for a male master is really There are countless.

"Let her in!" She wants to see if this Gu Xian has become more responsible after half a year, or is she becoming more and more ignorant.

After a while, Gu Xian stepped into the main room with brisk steps, followed by a little girl behind her.

It's really funny, even the lady in charge sent by shopkeeper Gu is just of the same status as the old lady in the mansion, and she even matched herself as a maid.

She was sitting at the table, holding a cup of tea with a white jade green bottom and gently sipping it.

Gu Xian entered the room and saw the former princess, now the princess, wearing a gorgeous brocade dress, making her face even more beautiful than the last time she saw it.

She was very jealous in her heart, why was God so eccentric and gave her all the beauty in the world, beauty, family background, identity, perfect husband, she seemed to be a born winner in life, and she wanted to get what she wanted , but I don't know how much effort it will take.

"Gu Xian has seen the princess!" She bowed her knees and saluted, although she was unwilling, but she was a princess, even her parents and grandfather had to salute when they saw her.

"Excuse me!" Nianwen raised his eyes, his indifferent eyes glanced at her, and his voice was indifferent.

Gu Xian straightened up, forced a stiff smile on her face: "Princess, you just came to the mansion, I'm afraid there are some things you don't know clearly, so I came here to tell the princess."

Liu'er on the side took the words and said: "Miss Gu's words are wrong, the princess grew up in this mansion while urinating, and lived here longer than in the Wang's mansion, why did she just come to the mansion?"

(End of this chapter)

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