Chapter 1759

Chapter 1780

Gu Xian's face turned pale again, and there was a lot of despair in her eyes. She and Wan Kun have lived together in this mansion for more than a year, and Wan Kun has never looked at her directly, not at all.

He couldn't even say her name, couldn't recognize her face, let alone allow her to approach.

I asked the old man in the mansion, Wan Kun never allowed women to step into his bedroom, except for Zheng Nianwen and his mother, no one was allowed.

Most of the servants in his courtyard are men, and there are very few women, most of them are elderly women.

He was deliberately trying to avoid suspicion, to prevent those slaves who had a heart to contaminate him, because there was always someone in his heart, and he never saw the existence of others in his eyes.

Now that they are newly married, it is the time when they are as sweet as honey, how could he be willing to let him take a concubine?
This is obviously to change the way to drive her away, or let her sweetheart drive her away in person.

But just refusing like this is tantamount to giving up this opportunity, and she is not reconciled, maybe some miracle will happen?

Just as her mind wavered from side to side and hesitated, Wan Kun came back with an exquisite food box in her hand, and Xiao Liu happily followed behind.

Wan Kun went straight to the table where Nian Wen was sitting after entering the door, without even looking at the other people in the room, and didn't notice that there were one or two irrelevant people in the room.

Xiao Liu had sharp eyes, and saw her as soon as he entered the room, and immediately frowned, "Miss Gu? Why are you here?"

Gu Xian responded immediately: "I'm here to greet the princess and Lord Hou."


Xiao Liu immediately thought of one thing, she is not a servant of the mansion, nor is she a concubine or aunt, what kind of greetings does she have?

Wan Kun put the vegetarian fried food in the food box on the bed, and a bowl of sweet milk: "It's all your favorite food, it's still hot, eat it quickly."

Obediently speaking, he picked up a pan-fried bun and took a bite: "Well, it still tastes the same as before, really good."

Wan Kun sat down beside her, took a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her mouth: "Look at what you eat, it's still the same as when you were a child."

Reading the text was slightly startled, and suddenly remembered something from her childhood, when Wan Kun was just like now, wiping her mouth with a handkerchief, with a look of disdain on her little red face.

At that time, Wan Kun already liked her?

Gu Xian bit her lips and looked at the two sweetly interacting with each other, is it really okay to show their affection in front of her like this?
It wasn't until he finished eating a whole pan-fried bun that Nian Wen said to Wan Kun, "Miss Gu said she wanted to be your concubine."

Wan Kun was taken aback, "Miss Gu? Who is Miss Gu?"

Nian Wen pointed to Gu Xian who was standing by the door, "Isn't this Miss Gu, you really don't know her?"

Wan Kun frowned and glanced at Gu Xian, his eyes were full of displeasure: "I don't know."

Xiao Liu followed the words: "Master Gu, this Miss Gu is the granddaughter of shopkeeper Gu. When an accident happened in our Wanfu last year, the mother who was in charge of the backyard of the mansion died of illness. At that time, the housekeeper also left, and the front and back yards were gone. As the backbone, shopkeeper Gu sent his own butler to help manage the front yard, and let Miss Gu take care of the back yard."

Wan Kun suddenly realized that there was such a thing, "I told the shopkeeper Gu in the mansion about it, and I asked him to take you back at that time. Why are you still here?" He never cared about the backyard. The person responsible for the incident is actually her. Is there such a shortage of people in the mansion?

Gu Xian's face turned green and pale, and felt that the humiliation she had suffered in this life was not as much as the humiliation she received today.

(End of this chapter)

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