Chapter 1760

Chapter 1781

"Back to Lord Hou, my grandfather did send someone to pick me up, but I refused to go back, so I stayed."

"You don't want to go back? Why?" Wan Kun raised his eyebrows and looked at the strange-looking woman in front of him. She was about fifteen or sixteen years old, and she was pretty and charming. Her eyes were very stubborn, and there was a little ambition in her stubbornness.

Gu Xian made up her mind, since they have reached this point anyway, it's better to just talk about it and leave it to fate.

She stepped forward a few steps and knelt down in front of Wan Kun: "Because of Lord Hou, Gu Xian came to Wan Mansion to be the lady in charge of the courtyard. Lord Hou, because Gu Xian has loved Lord Hou since she was a child, Gu Xian has nothing else to ask but to stay by Lord Hou's side and serve him for the rest of her life, even if she is only a maid serving tea and water, Gu Xian is willing to do so."

Wan Kun listened with a blank expression all the time, his brows raised higher and higher, but his eyes became colder and colder.

"I didn't expect that the Gu family is considered a wealthy family now. Miss Gu is so self-willed and degrading. She doesn't want to be a good lady, but wants to be a concubine for others. I don't know if your grandfather knows, what should you think? Or say, Did your grandfather instigate you to act like this?"

Gu Xian hurriedly shook her head: "No, no, grandpa doesn't know what I'm thinking, he doesn't know anything about this matter, and he once warned me not to have any unreasonable thoughts about Lord Hou, but I, but I—— "

"Master Hou, you are also a caring person. You should know that this person's feelings will not be controlled by reason. I have kept telling myself not to think about those unrealistic delusions, but I just can't control myself. , Lord Hou, Xian'er has never forgotten you since she saw you once when she was ten years old, and she only wants to see you again day and night."

Wan Kun said coldly: "See you now? It's not just one side, are you satisfied?"

If he didn't bear it madly, Nian Wen would really spit out the tea in his mouth. Is it really okay for a big man to treat a girl who is infatuated with him like this?But she sounded quite comfortable.

"Master Hou, Xian'er doesn't ask for anything else, but just wants to stay in the mansion. It doesn't matter if you are a slave or a handmaiden. I just want to see Lord Hou often, and ask Lord Hou to help you."

She leaned over and kowtowed, her smooth and fair forehead hit the ground with a thud, which hurt even when she heard it.

Wan Kun was unmoved at all, and still said in his extremely indifferent voice: "If it weren't for your surname Gu, and I still miss your grandfather's affection for the Wan family, do you think you can still be here with me now?" speak?"

Gu Xian raised her head with tears in her eyes: "Master Hou——"

Wan Kun glanced coldly at Xiaoliu: "What are you still doing in a daze? Haven't sent someone to send Miss Gu back? From now on, without my order, don't let Miss Gu worry about the affairs of the mansion. The princess will decide the affairs of the mansion." .”

Xiao Liu responded again and again, with a smile on his face, he has been waiting for this day for a long time, for more than a year, he has been guarding day and night, even if Gu Xian took advantage of the loophole, fortunately he was allowed to wait until this day one day.

Xiao Liu jumped in front of Gu Xian, "Miss Gu, please!"

Gu Xian wanted to beg Wan Kun again, but she didn't even look at Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu became anxious, reached out to grab Gu Xian's arm, pulled her up, and said very displeased: "Didn't you hear what Master Hou said? Don't leave yet!"

Just like this, Gu Xian was dragged and dragged away from the upper room by Xiao Liu, and Xiao Tao, who had been following Gu Xian all this time, heaved a long sigh of relief when she saw this, and ran away without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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