Chapter 1761

Chapter 1783

Afraid of offending him?
Nianwen is stunned, she is Zheng Nianwen, she is not Xiaojiabiyu on the side of the road, she is Zheng Nianwen who has been wanton and unrestrained since she was a child, when will she be afraid of offending anyone?
Just because he is Wan Kun, her husband?

Didn't mother often say that husband and wife should be honest with each other?

If you don't even dare to say what you really think, how can you talk about being honest?
She suddenly smiled, and said to Liu'er: "Master Hou is different from ordinary men, he understands my thoughts, so it's okay with him."

Liu'er wanted to persuade her again, but was stopped by Yan'er, who shook her head at her, signaling her to stop talking.

Liu'er sighed silently, Princess Xindao's mind is still too simple, thinking of a man's mind is too simple, Lord Hou held the princess on the top of his heart, and he only had her in his heart, so he naturally hoped that the princess would do the same. Treat him like this, if he knows that the princess still remembers another man in her heart, even if it's just the kind of remembering an ordinary friend, I'm afraid he will be unhappy.

When Wan Kun came back, he smelled of alcohol, and he looked drunk when he read the text, "It was originally a matter of discussion, but who knew that the emperor was upbeat, so he let me have a few drinks with him."

She took the coat from him, handed it to Yan'er, and said with a smile, "What does the emperor want from you?"

Wan Kun glanced at Yan'er and Liu'er, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, I'll tell you later."

Read well, some things, the less people know the better, after all, Yan'er and Liu'er are maidservants, on the surface they seem to be loyal, but who knows what they will be like in the future, it's about the emperor, so naturally they can't be in front of them Say.

"I think the moonlight is pretty good today. How about we go for a walk in the garden?" Wan Kun took her hand and asked, he smelled of alcohol, and he didn't want to fume her in this room, so it's better to go out to get some fresh air and disperse the smell .

She nodded: "OK, I'm bored too."

The two walked around the garden hand in hand, Wan Kun looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and said with a smile, "Next month will be the Mid-Autumn Festival, and then we will go to Qingshui Lake to spend it with dad, okay?"

Nian Wen smiled slightly: "Well, I think the same way, Dad lives alone in Qingshui Lake, it is too lonely, let's persuade him again this time, let him go back to live in the mansion, if he really refuses, my mother My mother said that I got a Persian cat recently, and it will be sent to our house in two days, and I will take this cat with me next month. If my father refuses to come back, we will leave the cat to him, so that we can be a good friend. with."

Wan Kun stretched out his hand and pinched her small face: "I didn't expect that Zheng Nianwen, who is usually carefree, would be so thoughtful and thoughtful."

Nian Wen said angrily, "What, I'm always like this, okay?"

She looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and then thought of the conversation she had just had with Liu Er, and an impulse arose in her heart. She wanted to verify whether her Wan Kun was different from ordinary men, her Wan Kun, It should be more open-minded than ordinary men.

"Wan Kun, what do you think Yun Tian is doing now? Where has he gone? How are you doing?" She raised her head and asked him.

Wan Kun was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Wen'er to ask him this now. After Yuntian left the capital, he disappeared. He also tried to find him, but found nothing. That guy has always been so mysterious without a trace.

"I don't know, you want to see him?" He raised his eyebrows, his eyes seemed calm.

Read the text and asked: "He is our friend, don't you want to know how he is doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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