Chapter 1762

Chapter 1784

He stopped, stood sideways in front of Nian Wen, and looked into her eyes seriously: "Wen'er, is what you think the same as what I think?"

Nian Wen frowned: "What do you mean by that?"

Wan Kun didn't make a sound, just stared at her fixedly, feeling irritable, Yuntian Yuntian, why did she keep mentioning Yuntian.

After a long silence, he said sullenly: "It's nothing interesting, just asking casually, let's go, go back."

Nian Wen stretched out his hand to pull him, but he didn't hold back anything. He walked very fast, and after walking for a while, he suddenly turned around, only to see that she was still standing where she was.

Although the moonlight was brighter than before, he still couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, he just felt that she seemed to be angry.

He walked towards her, but she backed away.

"Wen'er—I just——"

He didn't know how to explain it, he didn't mean anything else, it was just that she suddenly mentioned Yun Tian, ​​and he felt a little depressed.

Nianwen turned around and ran away, knowing that he was chasing after her, she used the golden cicada footwork that she hadn't used for a long time, ran all the way back to the main room, closed the door with a bang, leaned her back against the door, and remained motionless.

Liu'er and Yan'er had been guarding outside, seeing the princess came back, they were about to go up to serve her, but she blew into the house like a gust of wind, and after closing the door, she refused to open no matter how much she called.

"What's wrong with the princess? She was fine when she went out just now!" Liu'er was a little anxious, she had never seen a princess like this.

Yan'er said: "Could it be that you quarreled with Lord Hou? Seeing the princess's appearance just now, her eyes are still red, she must have quarreled." Thinking that the two of them who were like glue would quarrel, Yan'er suddenly felt extremely excited, feeling her own Opportunities are coming, although the face is full of worries, but the bottom of the heart is full of joy.

At this time, Wan Kun chased into the main room, saw Liu Er and Yan Er guarding the door, and hurriedly asked, "Where is the princess?"

Liu'er pointed to the tightly closed door and said: "The princess didn't know what happened, but she ran back suddenly, and closed the door after entering the room, and she couldn't open it no matter how she screamed."

Wan Kun stepped forward and knocked on the door: "Wen'er, open the door quickly, listen to me explain to you, open the door quickly."

On the other side of the door, Wen'er shook her head, her voice choked slightly, "I don't want to listen, Wan Kun, I thought you were different from other men, I thought you really understood me, I thought——It turned out that I was wrong, it was me Think of everything too beautifully."

Wan Kun was very anxious. He didn't know why he was crazy just now, but he said that to her. She mentioned Yuntian to him because she trusted him, but he——

"Wen'er, it's my fault, it's all my fault, please open the door first."

Nian Wen shook his head: "You go, I think we need to be quiet!"

Yan'er stepped forward and said to Wan Kun: "Master Hou, the princess doesn't seem to be able to open the door anymore. Master Hou might as well go to the study to rest for the night. When the princess calms down tomorrow, I will naturally listen to your explanation."

Wan Kun ignored Yan'er, and stood blankly at the door for a long time, until the lights in the room went out before he turned and went to the study.

In the middle of the night, Wan Kun was reading at the desk without any sleepiness, and he didn't turn a page of the book he was reading for a long time.

Xiao Liu had already been sent back to rest by him, and he was the only one left in the study.

The sound of light footsteps approaching from far away made him overjoyed, and he raised his eyes to look at the half-hidden door.

The door opened, and a beautiful and familiar face appeared in front of him. The joy on his face dimmed for a moment, and then lit up again: "Did the princess call you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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