Chapter 1763

Chapter 1785

Yan'er came in with the steaming beef noodles. She slightly curled the corners of her lips, showing what she thought was the most perfect smile. You know, she had practiced this smile in front of the mirror for a long time.

"Master Hou, it's late at night. Seeing that you haven't slept yet, my servant brought you a supper for fear that you would be hungry. You can eat."

Wan Kun glanced at the beef noodles in her hand, and frowned slightly. It seemed that Wen'er didn't ask her to send them. Wen'er knew that he didn't like beef, so he only ate light Yangchun noodles.

"No need, you step back." He leaned back into the chair and never looked at Yan'er again.

Yan'er was slightly taken aback, and wondered if what she had done wasn't good enough?Haven't caught Lord Hou's attention yet?

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you leave?" Wan Kun was annoyed, he didn't want to see anyone except Wen'er.

Yan'er is helpless, she has met Lord Hou many times in the palace, although she doesn't understand his temperament, but she also knows that once he frowns, it is best not to provoke him.

Yan'er picked up the beef noodles and turned around. When she walked to the door, Master Hou suddenly called her: "Wait."

She looked overjoyed, and turned to look at Lord Hou who was sitting in the wide-backed chair.

Hou Ye was still frowning, and his complexion didn't look very good.

"How is the princess now?"

She was originally going to ask the princess, but she was disappointed for a while, but she didn't dare to express it easily. Before she succeeded, she couldn't reveal her intentions.

Yan'er shook her head lightly: "Master Hou, the princess has not opened the door until now, and she has not let us in to serve her. The servants don't even know what happened to her."

Wan Kun nodded, didn't say anything more, and waved: "Back off."

After Yan'er left, he got up from his chair and stood under the window, looking at the bright moon in the sky gradually being covered by dark clouds, it was indeed his slip of the tongue today, he shouldn't have said that to Wen'er, Wen'er's He knows her temperament very well, even after going through the transformation of court fighting, even if her hands were stained with the blood of many people, her innocence has never changed.

Because she lives in a family full of laughter and warmth, her innocent disposition is difficult to change.

It is easy for her to believe in someone who treats her well, just like now, she believes in him wholeheartedly.

She also believed in Yuntian, and regarded Yuntian as a confidant and friend, but she didn't mix anything else. He knew what he knew, but why did he still say that to her when he knew it?

Could it be that deep in his heart, he can't completely trust Wen'er?
Or, he loves her too much to keep in her heart, and still pretends to be another man, even if he just treats that man as a friend?

He himself couldn't tell the difference, his heart was like a mess, he kept chopping, and his reason was still in chaos.

Qingsong Jushangfang

Nianwen lay alone on the bed, she cried for a while, and became tired after crying, and when she woke up, the sky was already bright.

Every morning when she woke up, the hand around her waist was gone, and the warm and domineering aura was gone, and the vacant bed looked extraordinarily bright, so bright that it was a bit glaring.

It turned out that this is what it feels like to wake up after staying alone in an empty room, she chuckled, a faint bitterness in her eyes.

Liu'er's voice came from outside the door: "Princess, are you awake?"

She responded softly, "Come in."

Liu'er pushed the door, and the door was easily pushed open.

She hadn't really bolted the door last night at all, and the door would have been easily pushed open if he wanted to, or if they wanted to.

But no one pushed through the door.

(End of this chapter)

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