Chapter 1764

Chapter 1786

But mother or father will definitely ignore her objection and open the door directly.

With Dad's temper, if he saw her get angry and locked himself in the house, he would probably break in directly.

But he didn't even reach out to push the door.

In his heart, is she really the most important person in his mouth?
Liu'er came in, waited for her to wash up, and brought in a food box from outside, "Princess, this is the breakfast that Lord Hou bought for you early in the morning, it's still hot, you can eat it while it's hot."

Nianwen glanced at the fried rice and milk on the table, shaking his head with a lack of appetite: "I don't want to eat, what about others?"

Liu'er hurriedly said: "Master Hou sent it early and left early, saying that he was going to do an errand assigned by the emperor, and he would go out for a while, maybe when he would come back, maybe three to five days sooner, ten days and a half months later, Let you rest assured to wait for him at home, he will come back as soon as possible to reunite with you, princess."

Nianwen frowned slightly: "Traveling? Why didn't I know he was going to travel today?"

Liu'er said: "You didn't have the chance to see him last night, he just wanted to tell you, but he didn't have a chance."

That's right, he came back from the palace yesterday, it was already so late when he came back, he dragged her to the garden to talk, Xu just wanted to tell her this, but because of that sentence. . .

"Did he say he was going to do some errand?" Nian Wen asked.

Liu Er shook her head, "Master Hou didn't say anything."

Seeing the princess drooping her eyes and saying nothing, Liu'er sighed softly, and said in a low voice: "Princess, Master Hou treats you really well, and you treat Master Hou sincerely. Is there any misunderstanding that cannot be resolved?"

Reading the text was also frustrating, and it was really uncomfortable, so she told Liu'er what happened last night in detail.

When Liu'er heard this, she really couldn't laugh or cry.

"Princess, it is true that you are not here when Master Hou asks like this, but your reaction is too big. Master Hou cares about you too much, and he only cares about you in his heart. You suddenly mentioned another person who is interested in you in front of him." A man with unreasonable thoughts will naturally be jealous, and what he said is just jealous."

Nian Wen was slightly startled: "Just jealous? Not because of anything else? Not because you don't believe me?"

Liu Er shook her head: "How could Lord Hou not believe you? You grew up with Lord Hou, and probably spent more time together than with the princess and prince. He is the person who knows you best. How could it be possible? If you don't believe me, you really think too much."

After a pause, Liu'er said again: "My servant just told you yesterday that men seem broad-minded on the surface, so it depends on who or what they are dealing with. When facing the woman they love, men are the most careful. , the more careful you are, the more he loves you, think about it, if he didn't love you, why would he be jealous because you just mentioned Mr. Yun?"

That being said, it really does make sense.

Reading the text felt better, looking at the fried rice and milk on the table, my appetite came back.

"I'm a little hungry, let's eat something." I don't know when I got up, and I don't know if I slept well in the study last night. She couldn't waste the breakfast she bought so hard before going out.

Looking at her, Liu Er seemed to see through her mind at a glance, and said with a quick smile: "Master Hou didn't sleep all night, and he came here a few times, and every time he wanted to open the door, he was afraid of waking you up. , and finally left lightly."

Nian Wen took a hard bite of the pan-fried bun, "This idiot doesn't even try to push the door, how do you know if I'm willing to see him?"

(End of this chapter)

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