Chapter 1765

Chapter 1787

Because they are young, they don't understand many things.

Because I was young, I was always flustered when encountering problems.

They don't know how to deal with things that seem complicated but are actually simple.

The life after marriage seems to be less and less like what I imagined.


"Yan'er, where did you go last night?"

Liu'er took Yan'er back to the room and asked her in a low voice.

Yan'er glanced elsewhere, and said lightly, "I didn't go anywhere! Why are you asking this?"

Liu'er snorted coldly: "You still said you didn't go there? Xiaoqing saw it and said that you went to the kitchen first, and lied to the cook that the princess wanted beef noodles. After cooking, you took it to the study. How dare you say that there is no such thing?" What's going on?"

Seeing that the lie was exposed, Yan'er also became angry from embarrassment: "Yes, I went to the study, so what? I saw that Lord Hou was up so late, and as a slave, Is it so strange to send a bowl of noodles to the master?"

Liu'er stared at Yan'er with icy eyes: "You are a slave, but you have to figure out whose slave you are, you are the princess's slave, what you think in your heart and think about all the time should be the princess, and Not anyone else."

Yan'er said: "Sister Liu'er, don't forget, this is the Mansion of Wan, not the mansion of the king, nor the mansion of the princess. We are the servants of the princess, right? Are we not the servants of the Marquis? The servants love the master, what's the matter?" wrong?"

Liu'er said: "There is nothing wrong with my servant feeling sorry for the master, but if you have other thoughts, then it is completely wrong, and others may not know the little thought in your heart, but I, Liu'er, know it very well. Be safe, don't do anything you shouldn't help, and don't have any thoughts about what you shouldn't, otherwise, I'll be the first to not forgive you."

Yan'er pushed Liu'er's hand away from her wrist, and said angrily, "You won't spare me? Why don't you spare me? What right do you have to not spare me? I'm a slave, aren't you? Don’t pretend to be noble here to teach me, don’t you have the thoughts in my heart? People climb to high places, and water flows to low places. Don’t you understand this truth?”

Liu'er shook her head, looking at the face in front of her in shock, is this the sister Yan'er she knew before?It was like she was a completely different person, someone she didn't know.

"Yan'er, I only told you these things as my sister and friend. Who are you as a princess? Who are you as a marquis? Are they something you can play with at will? If you don't say, will the princess forgive you? You, even those two who stand shoulder to shoulder with the palace, will not let you go easily, what capital do you have to compete with the princess for a man? What are you thinking?"

Yan'er seemed to be possessed, "I never thought of robbing the princess for a man, I just don't want to be a lowly maid again, I just want to find a man who can realize my dream, am I wrong? I just want to live a little more like a human being, what's wrong with me?"

Liu'er looked at Yan'er distressedly, "Yan'er, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you think being a concubine is superior to others? They are also slaves, if they are not favored, they will only be ten times more miserable than us slaves."

"How well the princess treats us. Look at yourself, wearing silk and satin, wearing red gold bracelets, hairpins inlaid with gems and jade, and using the best incense powder. Who gave you these? The life you have lived , Is it worse than an ordinary daughter? Your monthly salary is a full five taels of silver, which is the daughter of an ordinary wealthy family, and you don't get that much money in a month."

(End of this chapter)

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