Chapter 1766

Chapter 1788

Good is good, but there is no time for people to be content.

When the princess gave her the red gold bracelet she didn't wear, she was happy at first, but when she saw that Lord Hou gave the princess the jewelry from the Cuizhu Pavilion, it was so exquisite and gorgeous that it seemed that it was not a human thing, but her own Bracelets and jewelry are so ordinary and dull.

When the princess rewarded her with bolts of silk and satin, all she could see was the beautiful and beautiful clothes that the princess selected from the boxes that were tailored for her by the top country girls in Tianyi Pavilion. It is unique, and the second one cannot be found in the whole of Kyoto.

What is the silk and satin on her body?
She can get these not because she is a princess, but because she has a wealthy fiancé. Whether it is the Cuizhu Pavilion or the Tianyi Pavilion, they are both the property of Lord Hou and the Wan family.

As long as she becomes Lord Hou's woman, she can also ask Tianyi Pavilion to customize countless gorgeous clothes for her, or ask Cuizhu Pavilion to send the most fashionable jewelry to the mansion for her to choose, or let her own I rewarded those vulgar servants with unnecessary ordinary items, and watched them get excited and thank you for receiving the reward.

Yan'er could no longer see the princess's kindness to her. She only had one goal in her heart, to win Lord Hou's favor and become his wife. Then in this life, she would have endless glory and wealth.

She raised her greedy eyes and stared at Liu'er: "Sister Liu'er, I advise you not to be troublesome. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, and you didn't take advantage of me. No matter where you are I won't admit anything in front of the princess, and at that time, don't blame me for not thinking of sisterhood, and bite you back, making everyone's lives miserable."

Liu'er trembled angrily, Yan'er went on to say: "Sister Liu'er, don't even think about it. With our relationship, if I really win Lord Hou's favor, can I lose your benefits? By then , if my Yan'er has a good day, I will naturally have a good life for you, Liu'er."

Liu'er clenched her fists, her face turned pale with anger, "Yan'er, you also remember, if you dare to do anything to offend the princess, I, Liu'er, will be the first to let you go, even if you risk your life, I will never let you go!" will let you go."

Yan'er snorted coldly, turned and left the room without looking at Liu'er again.

Growing up with Liu'er, she knows Liu'er's temperament very well, she cares about their sister's friendship very much, and Liu'er will not do anything unless it is absolutely necessary, so she doesn't need to be afraid now, as long as Find the right opportunity and succeed in one fell swoop. At that time, even if Liu Er wants to stop it, it will be impossible.

Taking advantage of Wan Kun's absence in the mansion, Wen'er began to rectify the general affairs of the mansion. Her mother had taught her some things before, but she had never done it before. Looking at the books piled up on the table, her head was getting dizzy, and she didn't know where to start. start.

She has never been good at this kind of thing, and she doesn't want to be good at it. Even Wan Kun didn't count on her.

After persisting for a long time, she finally gave up and said to Liu'er: "Go to the palace and pass a message, let my mother send some capable people to help me."

Liu'er responded with a light smile: "Princess, you used to say that this matter is easy, but now you know the difficulty?"

With a helpless expression on his face, Nianwen threw the account book in his hand aside, "This thing gives me a headache just looking at it. It's harder than memorizing the names of medicines when I was studying medicine when I was a child. It looks like my head is getting bigger." She never thought that being the head of the house Mistress, you are so tired.

(End of this chapter)

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