Chapter 1767

Chapter 1789

Especially for a family like the Wan family who is extremely wealthy, the expenses in the mansion are astonishingly large, and there are also a lot of servants, plus her own dowry, all of which need to be managed by someone who understands it. She believes in everyone, but there are some things that can't be left to the Wan family to take care of. It is still necessary to have a few people of her own.

Thinking about those people that her mother had prepared for her back then, she didn't want any of them, and her mother's good intentions were in vain.

I'm afraid my mother had already expected that this day would happen to her.

Her own daughter knew that when Liu'er came to ask for help, Rong Yue was not surprised at all, as if she had already expected this day.

"She has been prepared for a long time, so I don't know what she is capable of? It's true that acupuncture and medicine are unambiguous, but she has no experience at all as the director of the house. If she wants to get started, she needs to be taught by someone."

"What the princess said is that, master, she never thought that taking care of common affairs is such a cumbersome task, and she treats it as a trivial matter, which can be controlled by her hands."

Rong Yue smiled and shook her head: "This girl, well, you can take someone back with you, and tell her to come back to see your parents when you have time, don't forget about your parents if you have a husband."

Liu'er led the people back, passed on Qi Rongyue's words, and her eyes turned red as soon as she read the text, "My mother still loves me the most, I really want to go back, why don't I just go back to live in the palace, anyway, Wan Kun is not here, I It's boring being here alone."

Liu'er hurriedly said: "Princess, this is impossible. You have only been married for a few days, and you just ran to the palace for three or two days. The people outside saw you and said that you are not doing well in Wanjia."

Lianwen never thought that after getting married, there would be so many inconveniences, this will not work, and that will not work, it's really boring.

The days go by day by day, she doesn't have to worry about the general affairs of the mansion anymore, the people sent by her mother are very capable, and they take care of the front and back yards of the mansion in an orderly manner.

Three or five days later, and another three or five days later, Wan Kun still hadn't come back. She was a little anxious, so she asked someone to inquire.

The person who went to inquire hadn't left the mansion, Xiao Liu came back in a hurry, he went straight to Qingsong Residence where Nian Wen lived, and handed the letter written by the master to Nian Wen's hand.

The letter said that the emperor received a report that there were people missing near the North Sea ice area, but in just one month, dozens of people disappeared. The secret intelligence thread of the police, investigating the disappearance.

However, Beihai's intelligence was only sent to Qingling City. In order to help the emperor find out the internal cause as soon as possible, he went to Qingling City in person to screen and select the intelligence sent every day, and then sent useful information to the emperor.

In the past ten days, he received many reports about the disappearance of people in the North Sea ice area, and got some clues.

The situation is more complicated than imagined. The emperor has ordered him to go to Beihai to investigate the truth of the matter immediately. In order not to cause panic among the people, very few people know about this matter. The emperor chose him to go to do this.

He also said that what he said that night was just because he was jealous, and he had no other thoughts. It was because he shouldn't be too selfish, he should understand her thoughts, and hope she forgives, never twice.

He said that when he comes back, she can do whatever she wants with him, just beg her not to be angry with him again.

She shed tears first, and then laughed again: "This is what you said, you can do whatever you want, don't blame me, hmph—"

(End of this chapter)

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