Chapter 1768

Chapter 1790

Qingling City

"Master Hou, shall we set off today?" Mo Cong asked Wan Kun.

Wan Kun stood in front of the window, looked at the direction of Kyoto thoughtfully, and after listening to Mo Cong's question, he turned around and said, "Let's leave today, the number of missing people in the ice region of the North Sea is increasing every day. We must rush there as soon as possible, arrive one day earlier, and find out the reason one day earlier, so as to prevent more people from missing or dying.”

Mo Cong asked: "Master Hou, what do you think is the reason for the disappearance of these people? Is there really a sea monster as the locals say?"

Wan Kun shook his head: "I can't tell now, but things in this world are hard to tell, and anything is possible."

"When we came, we only brought the ten-man team sent by the emperor, plus us, there are only twelve people in total, is that enough?" Beihai is not close to the capital, and it will take seven or eight days to get there quickly. Moreover, on the way to Beihai, there were a lot of bandits. If they encountered a more powerful bandit, they really couldn't tell whether they would be able to escape unscathed.

Wan Kun said: "That's enough. There are too many people and the goal is big. The people we lead are all good players. The bandits on the road are nothing to fear. Besides, if even the bandits can't be suppressed, how can we go to Beihai to do business?" ?”

Mo Cong is the first time to carry out missions with Wan Kun. He is the deputy general of Habayashi Wei. This time, he was personally assigned by the emperor to assist Wan Kun in investigating the case. At the beginning, he also said that the young Marquis, the reason why he became Marquis, It must be because of marrying Princess Changle, in order to make him look more suitable for Princess Changle, and to stand shoulder to shoulder with the face of the palace and the emperor, it is natural for him to jump from the status of a commoner to the Dragon Gate.

But judging from the contact these days, this young Lord Marquis turned out to be a very capable person, without the innocence and timidity of people of his age.

Before leaving, Wan Kun kept looking in the direction of the capital, with his brows furrowed: Xiao Liu went to deliver the letter, and it's time to come back, why is he still missing?
Just when Mo Cong gave an order, and everyone was about to ride their horses and run wildly, there was a sound of horseshoes from the direction of the capital, and Xiao Liu's figure was looming in the billowing smoke.

Wan Kun raised his eyebrows, his tense face finally eased a bit, he turned his horse's head and ran towards Xiao Liu's Fang Ji.

The master and servant joined hands, Xiao Liu wiped off the sweat from his brow, grinned and said, "Finally caught up."

Wan Kun stared at him, "Did the letter arrive?"

Xiao Liu nodded: "It's delivered."


Xiao Liu pretended to be stupid: "Huh? It was delivered, it was really delivered!"

Wan Kun stretched out his hand to hit him: "Say it?"

Xiao Liu hurriedly begged for mercy: "I said, I said, don't be angry, Master Hou."

He cleared his throat, imitated the appearance of reading, and said that sentence.

Wan Kun's eyes warmed up, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly: "It's over?"

Xiao Liu nodded: "It's over, the princess just said this after reading the letter."

Seeing Wan Kun's eyes half-closed, Xiao Liu said again: "Hey, there is another letter, and the princess wrote down everything she wanted to say."

Wan Kun stretched out his hand: "Hurry up and get it."

Xiao Liu hurriedly took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to the master.

On the envelope was written the four words of Kundi's personal letter, and Wan Kun's head was covered with black lines, but she called him Kundi again, as she had said earlier that he was not allowed to call him Kundi.

He opened the envelope and took out the letter paper with a faint fragrance inside. There were only a few words written on it: "Remember your words, I will wait for you at home."

(End of this chapter)

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