Chapter 1769

Chapter 1791

The corners of his lips curled up, a warm smile flooded his face, he felt so much reluctance in his heart, he really wanted to rush back now and take a look at her, even if it was just to take a look at her.

"Master Hou, are you ready to go?" Mo Cong rode to his side.

Wan Kun folded the letter carefully and put it on his chest and under his jacket, but he felt that something was wrong. If he sweated while riding a horse, wouldn't it be soaked?
So he took the letter out of his pocket again, carefully rolled it up, and put it in the small bamboo tube that he carried with him.

Mo Cong said with a smile: "Master Hou and the Princess are really in love with each other, they are envious of others."

Wan Kun smiled lightly, his eyes shining brightly: "Is Deputy Commander Mo married?"

Mo Cong shook his head: "Not yet, the family is also urging it, but because of the busy business on weekdays, it was delayed."

Wan Kun said: "Marry the woman you like, and then you will understand what I am doing now."

Mo Cong has never been tempted by a woman before, and he doesn't know what the so-called love between a man and a woman is in the world. He has never tasted it, so naturally he doesn't know what it is like, and he is also dubious about Wan Kun's words.

A group of people left in the dust, leaving only the dust and sand swaying in the wind.

Three days later, Wan Kun and the others passed by a small town in the evening. Everyone was very tired from the long journey, so they simply went to the city to rest for the night, so as not to be too tired and delay the next trip.

Even though it is an inconspicuous small city, there are still properties of Wanjia. The inn is one of the necessary industries, and it is also convenient for Wanjia to rest when caravans pass by.

"It's convenient to go out with Master Hou to do business, and you don't have to worry about food and accommodation wherever you go."

Mo Cong looked with satisfaction at the room the shopkeeper had prepared for him. It was spacious, airy, comfortable and convenient. Looking at the decoration, it should be the best room in the inn. Originally there was only one bed in the room. I got a bed, but it didn't feel crowded, it was still spacious and comfortable.

Wan Kun said: "There are not enough rooms, let's share one room tonight."

Mo Cong had no objection, neither did Lord Hou, so what could he have.

Xiaoer brought dinner to their room, and seeing that there was wine, Mo Cong hurriedly filled a glass for himself and Wan Kun: "It's been a while since I've had a drink, can I have a couple of drinks?"

Wan Kun nodded, picked up the wine glass and touched him, said with a light smile, "You can drink, don't be greedy, you have to get up early tomorrow."

Mo Cong nodded again and again: "That's natural, how can you be greedy for drinks, just two drinks."

Xiao Er came to serve food again, Wan Kun asked: "How is the business recently?"

Xiao Er hurriedly said: "Master Hui, business is better these days than before."

"Why?" Wan Kun asked.

Xiaoer said: "Young Master, I'm afraid I don't know, but more and more people came from the north recently, saying that something happened to Beihai, many people fled to our area, the city has become quite lively recently. "

Mo Cong hurriedly asked: "Do you know what happened?"

Xiao Er shook his head: "Those people from the north who live in our store can't explain it themselves, let alone us. It's so mysterious, and I don't know what happened."

Wan Kun asked, "Are there people from the north staying in the shop today?"

Xiao Er said: "Yes, yes, there are several of them, and they are drinking in the hall downstairs now, all of them have extremely loud voices, and their speech and behavior are very rough, with them, other guests will not I would rather drink and eat in the living room than eat in my room."

(End of this chapter)

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