Chapter 1770

Chapter 1792

Wan Kun and Mo Cong looked at each other, and said: "Well, you send the food to the living room downstairs, and we go to the living room to eat."

Xiao Er kept saying yes, but he didn't dare to ask more questions because of the guilt in his heart.

The two moved to the hall downstairs. As Xiao Er said, there were a dozen tables in the whole hall, but only one table was seated, four people at a table, and there were not many dishes on the table, so it was Three dishes, but drank a few big pots of wine, all of them blushed, and their voices were extremely loud. They were clearly talking to their companions, but the voices sounded like they were arguing.

A middle-aged man with full beards held up a bowl to another short and fat man and said, "Brother Song, let me toast you again, if it wasn't for you this time, I wouldn't have come out of that ghostly place, let alone It may be discovered that after leaving Beihai, the world can be so wonderful, I don't want to go back to that ghostly place for the rest of my life."

The North Sea is a place of bitter cold, and most of the people living there have never enjoyed happiness, and most of them are fishermen who live by the sea and fish for a living.

After leaving Beihai, they came to the fertile inland land, where the land is vast and abundant. People wear silk and satin, eat delicacies from mountains and seas, sleep at home during the day, and stay in brothels all night at night. The days are as moist as honey mixed with oil.

"Brother He, you are so polite. I didn't help much. Everything is just a matter of course. Come and drink."

At this time Wan Kun and Mo Cong came over and sat down at the table next to them. They didn't bring their swords on purpose and came downstairs wearing only a simple silk shirt.

He looks no different from an ordinary rich man, and although Wan Kun is calm, he still looks like a young man. It is hard to associate him with the four words "powerful person" when people look at him.

Mo Cong is older, because he has led the guards of the Habayashi all year round, his brows are very sharp, and he is not so easy to provoke.

The two sat down, and Xiao Er began to put the dishes on the table, all of which were the most expensive and best dishes in the store, directly filling the whole table.

When the bearded man at the next table saw him, he muttered dissatisfiedly, "How can we eat so much for just two people? It's amazing to be rich!"

He Chong is used to talking loudly, even if he thinks he is whispering, he can still have the volume of a normal person's normal speech.

Wan Kun and Mo Cong naturally heard it, and they heard it clearly, but they just pretended they didn't hear it, and ate and drank quietly.

Song Gao winked at He Chong, motioning him to sit down.

He Chong sat down obediently, and sighed: "There is no comparison between these people. Some people are born with rich clothes and good food, while others are born orphans. They don't even know how to grow up." He said Naturally, it was himself. When we were in Beihai, everyone had a hard life, and he didn't feel how hard he was. He just lived like that day after day.

But since he came here and saw the life of the people here, he realized that the life he used to live was worse than that of pigs and dogs here.

Song Gao filled another glass of wine for him, and said with a smile: "Brother He, why should you be depressed? As the saying goes, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, since we have left Beihai and are determined to start a new life, then one day, We too can live the life of our dreams.”

He Chong became interested again, and said cheerfully: "What I'm saying is, it's a trick of fate. If it hadn't been for what happened in Beihai, I would never have thought of leaving Beihai. Now I know that leaving is the right choice."

(End of this chapter)

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