Chapter 1771

Chapter 1793

The other two who were at the same table with He Chong and Song Gao, since Wan Kun and Mo Cong appeared in their line of sight, their gazes have always stayed on the two of them, and there were clusters of greedy eyes in their small eyes.

Song Gao coughed lightly, and signaled the two to look away, don't be so obvious.

He Chong looked at the two young men at the next table following their eyes, and said with a smile, "What are you looking at? You're not a girl, how can you look so enthusiastically?"

Song Gao smiled dryly: "It's nothing, they are just greedy when they see that there are too many dishes on the table."

He Chong laughed loudly: "When I find a job and earn money, I will definitely invite a few brothers to come here to have a big meal again, so I don't have to envy others, how about it?"

Song Gao nodded again and again, with a smile on his face, his eyes were erratic.

Wan Kun got up suddenly, bowed his hands to the four of them and saluted: "Four elder brothers, we two see that the four elder brothers are all bold people, why don't we show our face and have a few drinks together?"

Song Gao frowned slightly, these two didn't look like easy-going people, why would they suddenly invite them to sit at the same table?

Before Song Gao could respond, He Chong had already stood up quickly: "Okay, they are all people who are away from home, and they should make more friends. The two little brothers seem to be easy to make friends with."

Wan Kun smiled and nodded: "That's right, we brothers like to make friends wherever we go. As the saying goes, one more friend means more strength."

He Chong had already moved over, Song Gao saw this, he felt sorry for not going, so he called the other two to move over together.

There are four square tables, six people at a table, except Wan Kun and Mo Cong who sit on one side, and the other four people are divided into two sides, it's a bit crowded, but it doesn't hinder drinking.

Everyone introduced themselves first. Wan Kun would not use his real name. After all, a rich man surnamed Wan had a bigger goal.

Mo Cong didn't care, he just said his real name, he is not a famous person, so he is not afraid that these people will remember it.

Wan Kun made a toast to He Chong: "Brother He, I heard you talking just now. Are you from Beihai?"

He Chong nodded: "That's right, we are from Beihai. We have only been here for a few days. How about you? Judging from your accent, it seems that we are not from this locality."

Wan Kun smiled and said: "Of course not. If you are a local, why do you need to come to stay in the hotel? We just pass by here and come in for a night's rest."

Song Gao heard the words and asked, "Where are the two brothers going?"

Wan Kun said directly: "Beihai, we have a relative in Beihai, and there has been no news of him recently. The elders in the family are very forgetful, so let us go and visit, unexpectedly, I met some of you from Beihai here. Come brother, what a fate!"

Song Gao's eyes flickered slightly, he kept silent, he didn't know what he was planning, but He Chong took the conversation and said: "Two brothers, listen to what the elder brother said, I'd better not go to Beihai."

At this time, Song Gao wanted to stop He Chong but it was too late, so he could only laugh dryly and adjust accordingly.

Wan Kun asked, "Why can't you go? What's the matter?"

He Chong is a straightforward person, he can't turn the corner when he speaks, and he doesn't know how to wink. Whatever Wan Kun asks, he just answers, and he doesn't look at the winks Song Gao keeps throwing at him.

"I'm from Beihai, an out-and-out Beihai native. I never thought that I would leave Beihai, but this time I had to come out. I didn't come out, but escaped."

The man sitting with He Chong stretched out his hand and pinched He Chong, He Chong frowned: "What are you pinching me for? I haven't finished talking yet."

(End of this chapter)

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