Chapter 1772

Chapter 1794

He Chong glared at the man, and then said: "Beihai is not peaceful now, it's very not peaceful, many people disappear for no reason every day, and after disappearing, no one came back. At first, everyone thought it was because life was too hard. , left Beihai, and didn't take it too seriously, but later, more and more people disappeared. In the fishing village not far from us, I saw someone go fishing three days ago, but after three days, someone went to the sea. In that fishing village, it was discovered that there was no one in the village, not to mention, there was not a single chicken, duck, cattle and sheep raised on weekdays, and no one was panting. There are bloodstains, but there is not even a single corpse, and the entire village seems to have disappeared overnight."

Mo Cong asked: "Is the government not in charge?"

"Don't worry, the government sent people to check it first, but they also thought it was very strange, so they left a dozen or so skilled catchers to squat in the fishing village at night, but who knows, the next morning, the people from the government went to check , but only picked up the knives and bloodstains that were left on the ground like a policeman, and half of them were invisible."

Mo Cong asked anxiously: "That is to say, those dozen or so policemen also disappeared overnight?"

He Chong nodded: "That's right, it disappeared overnight, leaving nothing but the saber and puddles of blood."

"This is not over. Within two days, a large number of fishermen in our neighboring villages also began to disappear. Some people said that they saw a huge black shadow eating people in the village in the middle of the night. They were so scared that they hid in the haystack. It was only by not daring to say a word that the rest of the people in that village fled the next morning."

"After hearing the news in several nearby fishing villages, no one dared to stay any longer. They all left the fishing villages. Some went to the city, and some went to take refuge with distant relatives. As for me, I happened to meet Brother Song and the others. They said they would come Living here, I made up my mind and followed me, I just arrived a while ago, and I am planning to find some work, so I will talk after I settle down."

Wan Kun still had a good impression of this He Chong, he spoke straightforwardly, he would not beat around the bush, let alone stare at them thoroughly with a pair of eyes.

Wan Kun nodded: "Brother He is a real person, come, let me toast you again."

When Mo Cong heard what He Chong said just now, his complexion changed a few times, and he was very worried in his heart. If it is true what Chong said, the people in Beihai disappeared because of monsters, then it would be counted as a dozen of them with high martial arts skills. What's the use?No matter how powerful martial arts are, can they beat monsters?
Song Gaochao Wan Kun asked: "Where are you going to Beihai?"

Wan Kun smiled lightly: "I don't know the exact location, I only know that it's near Shangli City, and it's the first time we've been there."

When He Chong heard this, he quickly laughed and said, "Shangli City? We came here from Shangli City. The fishing village where my family is located is near the ice area not far from Shangli City."

Wan Kun expressed surprise: "There is such a coincidence in the world. I never expected it. This is really not an ordinary fate."

"Come, come, come, for such a wonderful fate, we have to have another drink." He Chong poured wine for Wan Kun and Mo Cong with the flagon.

Song Gao was always reticent, and he was even more curious about Wan Kun and Mo Cong. They all looked like rich men, so how could they have anything to do with a poor place like Shangli City?

(End of this chapter)

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