Chapter 1773

Chapter 1795

Wan Kun seemed to see Song Gao's doubts, and said with a smile: "Our Zheng family has been in business for generations, and we are considered well-known in Jincheng. My brother once swore to spread the Zheng family's property throughout the Chu Dynasty. He has always done a good job. At the beginning of last month, he proposed to visit Beihai, saying that he wanted to expand his business to Beihai. After arriving in Beihai, he wrote us a letter, saying that he wanted to visit Shangli City again. go back."

"But we waited and waited at home, but we didn't wait for my brother to come back. My father was too anxious, fearing that something might happen to him on the way, so he asked my cousin and I to go to Beihai to find him."

So that was the case, the four of them suddenly realized, especially Song Gao, a brilliant smile appeared on his face immediately.

Business family, rich family, good, very good.

Drinking until very late, Wan Kun pretended to be drunk, lying on the table and couldn't get up. Mo Cong took the opportunity to go back to his room to rest, and he had to hurry up tomorrow, so he helped Wan Kun get up, and the two stumbled back to the third floor Tianzi room.

He Chong was also drunk, seeing people as double images, and kept giggling there.

Song Gao glared at He Chong impatiently, and told Song Tian and Song Zhu beside him: "You help him up, go back first."

The four of them went back to their room. They lived in an ordinary guest room on the second floor. The small room was crowded with four people, so they slept very lively.

After returning to the room, He Chong was thrown on the bed by Song Gao and others. He Chong was really drunk, and snored as soon as his head touched the pillow.

Song Tian tugged on Song Gao's sleeve: "Brother, these are two fat sheep."

Song Gao snorted coldly: "What do you need to say?"

Song Zhu hurriedly asked: "Then what should we do? Shall we do it?"

Song Gaodao: "Of course I will do it, I will do it tonight, it will be easier to do it while they are drunk, otherwise they will leave early in the morning, and this fat sheep will run away?"

The three brothers sneered again and again, Song Zhu looked at He Chong who was snoring like thunder on the bed, and asked, "What about He Chong? We can't take him away."

There was a stern look on Song Gao's face: "This guy is as stupid as a pig. I really regret bringing him out. I thought our three brothers could have one more helper, but who knows that along the way, not only did he not help, He has been ruining our good things, if he didn't know a little bit of kung fu, I would have done it to him long ago."

"It's a good opportunity for him to be drunk today. Once we succeed, we will kill those two people and put the blame on He Chong. He will bear the blame for us."

Song Tian and Song Zhule couldn't speak from ear to ear, and hurriedly gave the elder brother a thumbs up: "Elder brother is really smart, so we don't have any worries."


"Master Hou, what do you think of these people?" Mo Cong asked Wan Kun.

Wan Kun put down the teacup in his hand, with a light and cool smile on the corner of his mouth: "He Chong is a fool, the other three have malicious intentions, and they are hiding something. Although Song Gao concealed it better than the other two, his eyes , Peeping at the embroidered bag of jade pendant on my waist more than ten times, but He Chong didn't even look at it once."

"Song Gao's two younger brothers are even more blatant. They can't hide the greed in their eyes. In my opinion, they will do it tonight. After all, we have told him that we will leave tomorrow morning. They only have tonight. .”

Mo Cong asked: "If they really do something, what shall we do then?"

Wan Kun smiled lightly: "Just do what you want. Do we need to be merciful when dealing with this kind of people? We already know what we want to know. If they don't think about us, they will be safe and sound. If they Why should we let them go if we do something? It’s us today, and we may not know who it will be tomorrow!”

(End of this chapter)

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