Chapter 1774

Chapter 1796

At three o'clock, dark clouds covered the moon, and a strong wind blew up.

There was no sound in the inn, and three dark shadows sneaked up to the third floor. There are only two types of rooms on the third floor, Tianzizi and Dizizi. They came to visit before and knew that the two boys surnamed Zheng He and Mo I live in the room in the middle of Tianzihao.

This room is also the best and most expensive room in the entire inn. It is not affordable for ordinary people. It seems that it is really a big fat sheep.

They took out a bamboo tube and pierced the thin paper on the window with the bamboo tube, and thick white smoke was blown into the room.

After a while, he calculated that the time was almost up, so he covered his face with a cloth towel, boldly opened the door and entered, the room was smoky, they had taken the antidote in advance, so they were not afraid.

After waving away the smoke like white mist, I saw two beds in the room, and there seemed to be people sleeping in the thin quilts on the beds.

The three acted separately, two went to find things, and one went to kill the mouth.

After entering the door, they became more casual. Firstly, the two of them were already drunk, and secondly, they smoked vaping. With double guarantees, they would wake up if they didn't wake up.

Holding the sharp knife, Song Zhu went to the bed, without removing the thin quilt, he directly stabbed the quilt, so as not to splash his own blood.

When the knife was stabbed, I immediately felt that something was wrong.

It was not the first time for him to kill people. He knew very well what it felt like when a knife was inserted into the flesh. It was like being stuck in a pile of cotton, and it could never be someone's body.

He was about to lift the quilt to check, when that hand just touched the corner of the quilt, the other hand stretched out in front of him and clasped his wrist tightly, then the back of his neck hurt, before he could yell out, Then he felt his eyes go dark, and fell down on the bed.

Mo Cong got down from the corner of the bed, and walked towards Song Tian and Song Gao who were rummaging through the boxes.

Song Tian searched for a long time but couldn't find anything valuable. He was muttering, "There's nothing here. What kind of poor rich man doesn't bring luggage when he travels far?"

Song Gao didn't find anything, so he stopped his hands and said, "Could it be that he only brought a bank note? Hiding it on him?"

Song Tian was taken aback for a moment, and then called out: "Third brother, don't tie your chest, be careful with bank notes."

No one responded to him, they turned their heads and saw a figure slowly walking towards them.

The room was very dark, so they couldn't see the appearance of the man clearly. At first they thought that the man was the third child, but the more they looked at it, the more they felt something was wrong. How could the third child be so tall? It was Mo Cong and Mr. Zheng who drank with them earlier.

Thinking of these two people, they immediately pulled out the daggers on their bodies.

The room suddenly lit up, and Mo Cong was standing a few steps away from them, and Mr. Zheng, who had just lit the lamp, was looking at them with a smile that was not a smile, there was no trace of drunkenness on his face, let alone The lethargy after inhaling smoke.

"Brother Song, I haven't seen you for a while, and you miss us so much?" Mo Cong stood with arms folded, with a smile on his face, staring into their eyes, but it was icy cold.

Song Gao and Song Tian looked at each other, knowing that today they were planted. They met a thorn. After exchanging glances, they split up and ran, one towards the window and the other towards the door.

If ordinary people encounter habitual offenders like them, they will feel frightened and dare not chase them when they see them running away, but they are unlucky today, and all they met were top martial arts masters. In front of real masters, they have no chance to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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