Chapter 1775

Chapter 1797

Mo Cong slid to the door, blocked Song Tian's way, and kicked him to the ground.

Wan Kun moved his fingers, and threw the stone out of his hand, just hitting Song Gao's knee, causing him to fall to the ground with one step.

Song Gao wanted to get up and continue running, but Wan Kun had already slipped to his side and stepped on his head.

"Want to run?" Wan Kun's icy voice was like death's call to him, and his face was as pale as paper in fright: "Zheng, Mr. Zheng, I, we just want to see if you need help, still, still I thought you were drunk and unconscious."

Wan Kun snorted coldly: "Do you still need to rummage through boxes and cabinets for help?"

Mo Cong sneered: "Do you still need to stab someone with a knife?"

Song Gao knew that it was useless to argue, rolled his eyes, and said loudly: "Yes, we are here to steal, but there is nothing we can do. If we don't come, that guy He Chong will kill us. We can't beat him, so we have to Take his orders, we really just want to steal things, we didn't intend to murder your lives, please, we have old people in our family, and young children, we don't want to do such stealthy things, it's all He Chong, He forced us, if we don't listen to him, he will not only kill us, but also refuse to let go of our family, we have nothing to do."

Song Tian at the side heard the boss's words, and hurriedly cried: "That's right, He Chong forced us to do it, and we also want to do this kind of illegal thing. Please do me two sons, let us go."

"He Chong forced you to do it? Well, let He Chong come over and confront you!" Wan Kun still stepped on Song Gao's head, turned his head and shouted towards the half-open door: "Come here, bring He Chong. "

Immediately outside the door, a man answered, his voice was calm and powerful, his steps were fast and light, and he knew it was Lianjiazi.

Song Gao was dumbfounded, there was someone outside, why didn't they find out?Could it be that everything they do is actually under the noses of others?

Who are these two people?Looking at their kung fu, they really don't look like ordinary merchants.

After a while, He Chong was brought, but he didn't walk with his feet, but was carried by Mo Cong's men.

Wan Kun pointed at He Chong, who was as drunk as a puddle of mud: "With his appearance, how can he instruct you to come here to steal and commit murder?"

Song Gao shook his head in a panic: "No, no, no, it's not ordered now, it was before, it was agreed before."

Wan Kun snorted coldly, "Did we appear before your eyes? Or were you watching me before I stayed in the hotel?"

Song Gao hurriedly said: "Yes, it is when you are staying in the hotel, that's right, it is when you are staying in the hotel."

Mo Cong on the side asked: "Since you said it was when we stayed in the hotel, then I would like to ask you, how many people were there in total when we stayed in the hotel?"

Song Gao glanced around the room, "Four, four or five, I, I can't remember."

"You're lying, there were only two of us when we stayed in the hotel." Mo Cong said.

Song Gao hurriedly said: "That's right, that's two, that's two."

"You have two people for a while, and four people for a while. It seems that you are old and dizzy." Wan Kun sneered.

After a while, people came from the government. Knowing the identities of Wan Kun and Mo Cong, they naturally did not dare to neglect them. In the stack of wanted warrants, I found one, on which the heads of the three brothers happened to be drawn.

(End of this chapter)

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