Chapter 1776

Chapter 1798

When the three brothers were taken away, Wan Kun asked the county magistrate for a warrant for the arrest of the three brothers.

The next morning, when He Chong was still drunk, Wan Kun simply gave him two injections. When he woke up, he ordered someone to pour a large bowl of hangover medicine into him.

When he woke up, he found himself in the Tianzi room, "Why am I sleeping here?" He was stunned.

Wan Kun threw the wanted warrant in front of He Chong, you can see for yourself.

He Chong was with the three brothers of the Song family day and night, how could they not recognize their faces: "This, this, this is not—how is this possible?"

Wan Kun snorted coldly: "Why is that impossible? They broke into my room last night and tried to rob and kill people, but they were subdued by us. Later, he claimed that you were coerced and ordered, so I asked someone to bring you here. It turned out that you were so drunk that it was impossible to instruct them. Later, the county magistrate came over, and they happened to have a wanted warrant. They recognized these three people at a glance. In the past two years, they have committed many crimes in several nearby towns, murdered and robbed I don’t know how many deeds you have done, you followed them all the way here, and you don’t know what they are?”

He Chong was so shocked that his face turned pale. He never thought that the person who has been called his brother and brother all day long, and who he regards as a Bodhisattva who saves the world, turned out to be a villain?
Mo Cong asked: "You really don't know?"

He Chong shook his head: "I really don't know how I would associate with them if I knew they were such people."

Mo Cong asked again: "All the way from Beihai to here, you didn't find anything unusual about them? They didn't attack you?"

He Chong said: "To be honest, there were indeed some suspicious things along the way, but I didn't think about it deeply. For example, in a small forest, I heard a woman calling, so I searched for it and found that the woman was dead. , Song Gao and Song Tian were nearby, they said they also just arrived, and saw a few black shadows running away, but failed to catch up."

"Now that I think about it, it should be none other than them who killed that woman." He sighed, and said again: "The reason why they didn't do anything to me is not because of anything else, but because I know some kung fu. Together, the three of them might not be my opponent, it's not that they don't want to attack me, but they don't dare!"

Wan Kun probably understood, nodded and said: "Drunk last night, your life was in danger, they made up their minds to blame you, but they didn't expect to meet us, we have taken precautions, so naturally we won't catch it their way."

He Chong cupped his hands: "I really should thank you this time. If it weren't for you, I, He Chong, would be completely indistinguishable. I wouldn't even know how I died."

Wan Kun saw that his expression was sincere, and when they drank together earlier, he realized that he was sincere in heart and not a person with a big heart.

"He Chong, we are about to set off now and go back to the sea. To tell you the truth, we have no idea where Shangli City is. You know the way well. I hope you can show us the way. When we arrive, we will thank you very much. "

He Chong is in the middle of nowhere right now. What happened to the Song family brothers has had a great impact on him. He doesn't know what to do for a while. It is not known whether he can find work here. If he guides them, he can go back and have a look and earn money. A sum of money, why not do it?
Thinking of this, He Chong readily agreed without any hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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