Chapter 1780

Chapter 1802

Although there were still many doubts in his heart, Wan Kun wanted to ask, but seeing Yuntian's appearance, he was afraid that he would not answer if asked, so he simply changed the topic, chatted over wine, talked about his life in the capital before, and talked about him. Their respective lives after leaving Kyoto.

"How are you and Wen'er?" He finally asked.

Wan Kun knew that he wanted to ask Wen'er if he was okay, so he nodded with a smile: "Of course, we are fine. Everyone says we are a match made in heaven." When Wen'er was mentioned, he showed a warm smile, yes A gentleness that is unprecedented in the face of other people.

Yun Tian nodded: "Yes, she only has you in her heart, so how can she be bad if she can marry you?"

"Did she say it?" Wan Kun asked.

Yun Tian was taken aback: "What?"

"You said she only has me in her heart, did she say that?" Wan Kun stared at Yuntian firmly.

Yun Tian smiled bitterly: "Of course, otherwise, who else? She said that a person's heart can be big, with the world in mind, and the common people, but a person's heart can also be small, a small one can only hold one person, and one person can Fill your heart to the brim, there is no room left to put down another man."

Yuntian raised his eyes and looked at Wan Kun who was in a daze before him: "Wan Kun, you are really lucky. Wen'er is the best and most special girl in the world. You are really lucky to have her love with all your heart. Do you know how many people there are?" Are you envious of you in your dreams?"

Wan Kun laughed: "It's useless to be envious. When I met Wen'er, you didn't know where you were."

Yun Tian smiled wryly, yes, when he and Wen'er grew up together, he was still a giant beast in the cold pond, and the days when he became a human was only a little over a year.

"Okay, let's stop talking and drink." Some things were already doomed, it was him who appeared too late, and no one could blame him.

In the early morning of the next day, a group of people went out early, and He Chong led the way to a fishing village near the ice area not far from Shangli City.

Since entering the Beihai area, the weather has become cooler and cooler. After entering Shangli City, this feeling is even more obvious. It is still early autumn in Kyoto and it is still hot, but here it is already necessary to wear thick fur.

He Chong rode on the horse and ran to the place he used to be most familiar with, feeling extremely excited. The fear when he left at the beginning has disappeared, and now there is only longing, and the heart is like an arrow.

It turns out that this is the feeling of going home. He has never left before, and he has never experienced this feeling. When he comes back this time, he does not want to leave again. Here are the people he is most familiar with and the way of life he is most familiar with.

He belongs to Beihai, and the prosperity outside has nothing to do with him?

"How far is it?" Mo Cong asked He Chong.

He Chong pointed to a wasteland in front of him and said, "Passing through this wasteland, you will see the ice field, and you will soon see the sea. Our fishing village is right there."

Everyone speeded up, and quickly ran across the wasteland. Before passing through, they saw the rough sea in the distance. In Lu's life, he has almost never seen the appearance of the sea. It turns out that the sea is so magnificent and vast, so big that it has no boundaries and is in line with the sky.

In such a sea, even if there are some deep-sea monsters living, it's probably not uncommon.

"Is this the sea?" Mo Cong looked at the magnificent sea and the blue sky with flying birds in shock, and asked He Chong excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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