Chapter 1781

Chapter 1803

He Chong said with a smile: "Everyone who sees the sea for the first time will ask us this question, yes, this is the sea, only the North Sea, and in this world, there are also the South Sea, East Sea, West Sea, and seas in every place. It’s just a corner of the sea, no one knows how big this sea is, maybe it’s too big for us to imagine.”

How lucky he was to be born in such a beautiful land, perhaps life is more difficult than other places, but the beauty here is not found in other places, and the scenery here is something he will never get tired of looking at in his whole life.

"Let's go, now is not the time to appreciate the beautiful scenery, let's take a look at the fishing village first."

He Chong led the way forward, leading them to the fishing village that was completely devoid of people at this time.

The fishing village He Chong lives in is not small, with hundreds of households. At this time, the whole fishing village is quiet, except for the rustling sound of the fishing nets hanging on the long poles fluttering in the wind, there is no other sound.

The fishing village is built on the land next to the beach. The houses are all very simple wooden houses of different sizes, but they look very solid. Unfortunately, the dozen or so solid houses on the road at the entrance of the village were all destroyed. Destroyed, the ground was full of broken wood, some of which were still stained with blood, the amount of blood was not much, there were no human footprints, and no corpses.

Looking at some traces on the board and the ground, the familiar traces that are no longer familiar, Yun Tian frowned more and more. He had a little bit of luck before, hoping that his prediction was wrong, that such a massacre, and His own race has nothing to do with it.

But now it seems. . .

Wan Kun squatted in front of a collapsed house, looking at the huge trenches on the ground. Such trenches did not seem to be dug by humans, because they were too flat, and no one could make them so perfect. It wasn't washed out by the rain, because it wasn't a whole smooth gutter, but one to the east and one to the west.

This is by no means accidental, it must have something to do with the perpetrator.

What exactly is it?
"Someone, there is someone here!" A guard shouted loudly.

Everyone gathered quickly, only to see the guards carrying a dying child out of a half-collapsed house.

The child was still in his infancy, he had been hungry for an unknown amount of time, and was so weak that he couldn't even lift his eyelids.

After reading it, Wan Kun quickly untied the water bag around his waist, steamed the water bag with internal force, and fed it into the child's mouth little by little.

He Chong wiped his tears and said: "This child is just born to brother Li's daughter-in-law. When I left, the child was not yet full moon. Brother Li's daughter-in-law was not yet confinement and was not in good health. She wanted to go with us. , but it was inconvenient, so they said they would leave two days later, and now it seems that they failed to leave, poor child."

"He, will he die?" He Chong asked Wan Kun, wiping away his tears.

Wan Kun shook his head: "No, he's just hungry and caught some wind and cold, and he will get better."

Wan Kun handed the child into He Chong's arms, "Hold it first, we'll look after it for a while before leaving, and find a nanny for him when we reach the town."

He Chong hurriedly caught the child, not caring about the smell of feces and urine emanating from the child.

Going further in, the house was no longer destroyed, and the trenches seen before did not appear again.

He Chong said: "It must be that the devil saw that there was no one inside, so he didn't waste time to come in."

(End of this chapter)

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