Chapter 1782

Chapter 1804

It is indeed possible.

After reading it from beginning to end, except for the previous discoveries, almost nothing was found later.

Yun Tian suggested: "Why don't we go back first, after all, there is a child here who needs to breastfeed as soon as possible."

Wan Kun originally wanted to visit another fishing village, but this child really couldn't delay any longer. Not only was he hungry, but he was also feverish, and he needed to be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable.

He finally nodded: "Okay, let's go back first, anyway, this demon won't come out during the day, so let's come back at night."

Mo Cong responded: "That's right, this subordinate is about to talk about this matter. It's useless to come in the daytime. Now that we have found out the way, why don't we come on duty at night and see what kind of monster this monster is."

"Okay, go back to the city." Wan Kun ordered.

When everyone went back to the city, Yun Tian's eyes kept going back and forth on the sea: Is this the place where father and the clansmen live?

He was born in the cold pool, and the water in the cold pool leads to an underground undercurrent. The ultimate destination of that underground undercurrent is the ice area of ​​the North Sea, this vast sea area.

In the past, he didn't understand why his father would take his mother away from the place where he had lived since he was a child, and go to a place that was pitifully small for the Yuhan Jiao clan.

However, he now understood that his father had resolutely left his hometown and those who opposed them so that he could be with his mother, and they found a place to live and gave birth to him.

Now that he has grown up, his mother is gone, and his father chose to go back. He understands and does not object.

But why did he not change his nature after returning to the ice region, and still violently kill and eat people? In the past, the North Sea was calm, and no one had ever been attacked by a cold flood here. Now such a thing happened, he couldn't help it This matter is connected with his father.

Tonight, he will come back again, right here by the sea, waiting for his appearance, and he will ask clearly why he did this.

Back in Shangli City, Wan Kun ordered people to find a nanny, who fed the child first, and then used cold compresses to cool him down. The child was still too young, and any medicine would be dangerous to him. The easiest and safest way to make him better.

When the child got better, Wan Kun entrusted the child to He Chong and the wet nurse, and he went back to his room to rest and prepare for the night's battle.

He must be ready to fight no matter what the night brings.

The strength of the opponent is beyond his expectation, and he must face this battle in the best condition.

When night fell, Wan Kun ordered everyone to gather at the entrance of the inn. After counting the number of people, he found that Yun Tian was not there.

"Where's Yuntian?" Wan Kun asked Mo Cong.

Mo Cong shook his head: "I didn't see it, I'll ask the shopkeeper."

The shopkeeper followed Mo Cong out, and he said, "My lord, that Mr. Yun went out in the afternoon, and he didn't say where he was going. He was busy and forgot just now, and he left you a letter."

"Bring it!" Wan Kun stretched out his hand.

The shopkeeper hurriedly passed the letter in his hand to Wan Kun: "This is it."

Opening the letter, there were a few crooked lines written inside. He had never seen Yun Tian's handwriting before, and he didn't expect it to be so ugly, even worse than a child.

The letter stated that he went to the seaside of Bingyu, and he said that he would explain everything, so that he would not go to die again, and wait for news about him in the city. If there is no news, he is not allowed to go to the beach again, absolutely not.

(End of this chapter)

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