Chapter 1783

Chapter 1805

Between the lines, he could almost see Yun Tian's frowning expression when he wrote the letter.

He understands Yuntian's kindness, but he can't let Yuntian take risks alone.

This is what they should do.

Mo Cong asked, "What did Mr. Yun say?"

Wan Kun frowned, looked in the direction of the city gate, and said, "He went to the ice area first, and he said let us wait for him here, and he will solve this matter."

Mo Cong was startled: "He, what does he mean?"

Wan Kun said: "Yuntian's martial arts are so strong, we all put together, can't beat him alone, he just doesn't want us to take risks, he wants to carry the burden alone."

Mo Cong was stunned, with a little excitement on his face: "So that's it, I really didn't realize that Mr. Yun is such a heroic and righteous person."

Wan Kun looked up at Mo Cong: "What do you think?"

Mo Cong grinned and said: "Young Master Yun is a man of love and righteousness, and we are not people who are greedy for life and fear of death. No matter how capable he is, if we go, we can help a little bit."

This was exactly what Wan Kun wanted to hear, and he patted Mo Cong on the shoulder in relief: "Good brother!"

A group of people left the city immediately and headed towards the ice area of ​​the North Sea.

As night fell, the ice field became colder and colder.

The sea breeze is like a blade made of ice, so cold that it seems to be able to cut through human skin.

He stood on the magnificent seashore, blowing the strange sea breeze, and the sea surface was dotted with brilliance, as if pieces of bright moonlight were chopped up and sprinkled on the blue waves.

There were waves, and the tide began to rise, soaking his shoes and socks, but he didn't feel cold, perhaps because of his nature, he was not afraid of severe cold by nature.

When the sea water submerged to his calf, he took a few steps back, retreating to the dry sand, his eyes fixed on the vast and boundless sea.

Father, if you see me, will you recognize me?

If I advise you, will you listen?
As if he heard his call, the waves became more and more violent. Even if he kept retreating, the waves still soaked his shoes and socks again and again.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow leaped out from the sea and landed abruptly in front of Yuntian. It was an immature Hanjiao, probably not as old as him.

Han Jiao stared greedily at Yun Tian, ​​and the long tongue in his mouth kept spitting out in front of him, as if. . .A slippery snake. . .

Yun Tian stood still at the same spot, and his expression didn't show even a trace of panic, which made Han Jiao feel very strange.

Because of this strangeness, it didn't eat him right away, but stared at Yuntian with its huge eyes, wanting to see what was so special about him, and why other humans would run away in fright when they saw it. But the human in front of him didn't. Moreover, the way he stared at it made it very uncomfortable. There was no fear or fear, but a hint of disgust. . .

It said in Jiao language: "Poor human, are you petrified?"

Yun Tian stared at him fixedly, and suddenly replied in Jiao language: "No, I'm not petrified, you should be petrified."

As he said, the Frost Flood Dragon was really taken aback. It would often speak to humans in Flood Language, but no humans could understand it. Until the moment they were eaten, they didn't know what it said. .

At this time, there is a human being who speaks to it in Jiaoyu, and speaks so fluently, as if he was born to speak, and most importantly, he is not afraid of it.

(End of this chapter)

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