Chapter 1784

Chapter 1806

It even felt the powerful power on his body, so powerful that it trembled in fear.

Today's Yuntian is no longer the original Yuntian. After transforming into a human, he did not lose the power of the cold dragon, and later he got a dragon ball, and the power he got from the dragon ball was equivalent to a thousand-year-old cold dragon Practice.

Even with Yuntian's powerful father standing in front of him, he can still be invincible, this is also the greatest confidence for him to come here alone, he does not pose any threat.

At this time, the sound of stepping on a horse came from a distance, and there was even the sound of drawing a sword. He turned his head and saw Wan Kun leading the masters of the Habayashi guards rushing towards him.

Hanjiao is still in shock. After all, it is not yet an adult, and its mind is not as mature as that of adult Hanjiao. For a while, it doesn't know how to deal with itself, and it doesn't know whether the person in front of it should eat or not. It will see many people rushing Come here, everyone is extremely fierce, not those powerless people in the fishing village, it is weak today, if it fights resolutely, it is not sure that it can win against the person in front of it, not to mention the rushing people over there. Come a bunch.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hanjiao turned around and jumped back into the sea, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wan Kun rushed to Yuntian's side, got off his horse, and looked very nervous. He grabbed Yuntian's arm and asked urgently, "Are you okay?"

Yun Tian shook his head, a warm current poured into his heart, they came, regardless of the danger, they still came to his side despite seeing a giant like Han Jiao, Wan Kun's worry was not adulterated at all.

"I am fine."

Mo Cong and others checked the surroundings, and after finding no trace of Han Jiao, they returned to Wan Kun and Yun Tian's side: "What was that just now?"

Yun Tian said: "Cold Jiao."

Wan Kun's eyes changed slightly, and he exclaimed, "Han Jiao? Is it the Han Jiao in the cold pool of Funiu Mountain in Zhou Dynasty? The same Han Jiao as that Han Jiao?"

Yun Tian nodded: "That's right, it's the same Frost Flood Dragon. The Ice Region is the hometown of Frost Flood Dragon. They have lived here for generations for an unknown number of years."

Mo Cong said: "If it's true as you said, the Frost Flood Dragon has lived in the ice region for generations, but the cannibalism incident, why did it happen only recently? I have never heard of the cannibalism incident before!"

Yun Tian was silent, what could he say?Can it be said that his father ate countless people in Funiu Mountain, and his father also returned to the ice field?

He dared to conclude that the matter of Han Jiao cannibalism here is definitely related to his father.

Yun Tian shook his head: "Let's go back first, it seems that it won't come out again tonight."

Everyone was terrified. The appearance of the huge monster just now seemed to be still in front of them. It was so big, and it was so weird in the night. No wonder some villagers said that it was a monster that ate people. It was absolutely true.

That guy is really no different from a monster.

Everyone's minds were severely impacted, and they were also restless at this time. Wan Kun simply said: "Let's go back first. This matter needs to be discussed in the long term, and we must not act recklessly."

Wan Kun heard about the cold dragons from Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen. The cold dragons can live in water or on land. They have thick feet, have desperately strong power, and are extremely fast. There are so many people eating in the village, few people have seen their real appearance.

Wan Kun was also a little strange, just now that Hanjiao had a chance to eat Yuntian, but it didn't, and Yuntian didn't seem to make a move, let alone plan to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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