Chapter 1785

Chapter 1807

After returning to the inn, Wan Kun pulled Yun Tian to a corner and asked in a low voice, "When we were at the beach just now, what happened to you and that cold dragon? Why didn't it attack you? Why didn't you run away?"

Yun Tian's eyes became a little flickering, "It's too sudden, maybe I haven't reacted yet."

suddenly?Ever since they saw him standing opposite Han Jiao, a giant and the other looked so small and fragile, he was very flustered at the time, fearing that something would happen to Yuntian, but when he got closer, he found that there was no surprise on Yuntian's face , as calm as usual, but that Han Jiao seemed a little flustered when he left.

Yun Tian patted Wan Kun on the shoulder, smiled lightly and said, "Thank you for coming in time today, but I still hope that you can promise me not to take such a risk again, and not to go to the ice field again, as it is for Wen'er, She can't lose you, and you must have nothing to do."

Wan Kun opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Yun Tian said again: "Wan Kun, I know your temperament, this is not your style of doing things, and you don't bother to do this, but you have to trust me, I have the ability to handle it well." These, you have gone, I can't help you at that time, I don't want to watch you go to die, you have seen the appearance of Han Jiao today, you are not their opponents at all, we are lucky today, we only came One, he saw that there were too many of us, so he retreated temporarily, what if it brings its companions tomorrow? Is it possible for you to retreat unscathed?"

Wan Kun asked: "What about you? What should you do? Are you sure that you can defeat them all with your own strength?"

Yun Tian shook his head: "I am not sure that I can defeat them all, but I am sure that I will retreat completely. Besides, the Hanjiao family lives in the deep sea in the ice area. They have never interfered with human beings, and there has never been a Hanjiao coming ashore to eat people before. There must be some reason for such a thing to happen now. What we have to do now is not to defeat the cold dragons and kill them. If nothing else, we simply cannot do it. What we can do now is to find Find out the reason why they cannibalize people, and solve the problem from the root, so that the danger can be truly and completely eliminated."

Wan Kun agreed with his words, but he was still full of doubts: "The cold dragon is a beast after all, how can we know the root cause of their cannibalism? How can we solve it?"

With a serious face on his face, Yun Tian added two more strengths to the hand holding Wan Kun's shoulder: "Trust me, I can handle this well."

Wan Kun just looked at Yuntian, and didn't promise him anything. He didn't understand what Yuntian was insisting on, and what was in his mind.

At first he thought that Yun Tian simply didn't want them to be hurt, so he decided to go to the ice region alone.

But now, it seems that the situation is not as simple as he thought. Behind this back, he seems to be hiding some secret.

What is it?

Yun Tian didn't seem to want to continue this topic, he reasoned that he was tired, turned around and went back to the room.

The next day, Yuntian didn't come out of the room. In the afternoon, Wan Kun finally couldn't help knocking on Yuntian's door.

There was no movement in the room, and he couldn't even sense Yun Tian's breath.

Yuntian's aura is very special, when he is alone, the aura released from his body is very cold, it seems to be some kind of unique poor family skills and methods, but when he is with them, he will restrain the icy and biting aura , just like a normal person.

(End of this chapter)

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